Hello, kids, welcome to the Monday entry of the Phile. I am back on Logan's computer as the main computer is not working again. I hate computer problems. If it wasn't for this back up computer there would be no Phile today, so thank you, Logan. So, did you kids have a good Easter? We did. Anyway, I have a lot to get to as there was no entry yesterday so lets get to it. Congratulations to Mitt Romney, the big winner in the last primary. He won in Wisconsin. Rick Santorum finished second. Newt Gingrich came in fourth behind Ron Paul. But Wisconsin was not a total loss for Newt. He did make off with a 45-pound wheel of cheese. This is sad news, and I hope it doesn't happen here in Central Florida... Best Buy announced they're going to close stores in the United States while opening 50 new stores in China during the same time. Well, they say opening the stores in China will save shipping costs because all the stuff is made there anyway. The Supreme Court has ruled that anybody can be strip-searched for any kind of arrest. That's something to think about the next time you bring 12 items into a 10-item-or-less lane. Sarah Palin co-hosted the "Today" show. She did a pretty good job, and they want to bring her back for a new version of "Where in the World is Matt Lauer?" What they're going to do is release Matt into Central Park, and then Sarah will track him down Hunger Games style. A Delta Airlines flight attendant was removed from a plane this morning because he was acting unstable. He was saying crazy stuff you never hear on a Delta flight, like "Prepare for an on-time arrival.” The Delta flight attendant was removed for acting unstable, but on the bright side he was immediately hired as a pilot for JetBlue. The New York Mets are now offering peanut-free seating for fans with severe allergies. Mets officials said they want to make sure that gagging and choking only occur on the field. A new picture was just released of President Obama giving the Star Trek Vulcan salute at the White House. Even Spock was like, "Whoa... look at that guy’s ears!” Ryan Seacrest finally made his highly publicized "major announcement" on the "Today" show — revealing that he will take part in NBC’s coverage of the London Olympics. The other thing he revealed? That he doesn't know what a major announcement is. The sister of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is making a reality show about young people in the tech world, while the sister of the MySpace founder is making a reality show about a guy who has to move in with his sister. Kim Kardashian said that she wants to be a more private person. Then she was like, "And you can see me try in my new reality series ‘Kim Kardashian: Private Person.’” Okay, have you seen those photo's on the internet of the most photogenic man running the marathon, looking perfect? I was told about it and had to see it myself. It's incredible.

Thomas Kinkade
Jan 19, 1958 - Apr 6, 2012
Jan 19, 1958 - Apr 6, 2012
Okay, so there's thousands of blogs on the internet. Not all are updated three times a week, have over 470 entries, and have been around for about six and a half years, but there's a lot. So, once again I would like to pheature another blog and give the award in a pheature I call...

Didn't make the cut...

5x7 mixed media on board
This one was supposed to go with my other memory paintings in the new exhibit at Time and Tide Gallery this week, but it didn't make the cut. I should say it didn't make my personal cut,because I think I am harder on myself than any jury or gallery director! Not sure what it was that didn't work, but when I asked my husband and he silently shrugged instead of gushing, I figured it wasn't meant to be! The slightly violet haze to it is from the camera...
You win some, you lose some. And I vaguely recall (maybe, hmm it's hazy) saying when I first started this blog that I would post my failures as well as my successes...I'm pretty sure I haven't been totally honest with my blog followers because over the years I have certainly created some embarrassing paintings that silently got painted over without telling you ;) Like the one of my cat a couple of years ago. I am pretty sure that I mentioned that one before...
5x7 mixed media on board
This one was supposed to go with my other memory paintings in the new exhibit at Time and Tide Gallery this week, but it didn't make the cut. I should say it didn't make my personal cut,because I think I am harder on myself than any jury or gallery director! Not sure what it was that didn't work, but when I asked my husband and he silently shrugged instead of gushing, I figured it wasn't meant to be! The slightly violet haze to it is from the camera...
You win some, you lose some. And I vaguely recall (maybe, hmm it's hazy) saying when I first started this blog that I would post my failures as well as my successes...I'm pretty sure I haven't been totally honest with my blog followers because over the years I have certainly created some embarrassing paintings that silently got painted over without telling you ;) Like the one of my cat a couple of years ago. I am pretty sure that I mentioned that one before...
Everybody, once you have done reading the Phile, go to katiemcelwain.blogspot.com and read more of her blog. Okay, moving on... Marvel's big event of the Summer is "The Avengers vs. X-Men" series, or "AvX" as the cool kids are calling it. I read the first issue and liked it. But, I thought I would invite a friend of the Phile and comic book expert to give his opinion on the series. So, please welcome back to the Phile, my friend Jim Mello in a pheature I call...

So, I bought it. I had to see for myself. Before we get into the industry side of the argument about buying this comic, I think I’ll write the review. Since this is like the summer blockbuster for comics, I think I’ll settle in with my blockbuster comic variation of the old movie soda and popcorn, some coffee and a nice, sunlight place and settle in for the read. "AvX" follows Marvel’s two most popular teams and tells a tale about how they were both forced to draw a line in the sand and punch each other for crossing it. The Phoenix force is back, and heading for Earth with its metaphorical eyes set on the mutant messiah, Hope (allegedly). Cyclops thinks he can train Hope to contain the Phoenix and use its power to restart the mutant race; Cap thinks that that’s a really dumb idea and wants to contain Hope and keep her from uniting with the Phoenix and so the punching begins. All in all, the reasoning is presented plausibly, as far as reasoning for people in costumes fighting each other in comics goes. The writing is less dialogue heavy, going against Bendis’ usual style. The characterizations, for the most part, are good enough if not the most compelling, but I have a feeling they’re already setting one of the two factions leaders up to be a little more of a dick than the other, just like with Iron Man and the Pro-Regs in "Civil War". There always seems like there is some sort of bias that must be created, and I could do without that. A nice even argument could be made for both sides if put in the hands of the right writer, without mischaracterizing someone and making them a dick.
The art is what you expect from Romita Jr. I think he’s a good artist in certain aspects, but his character designs are a big turn off. Everybody has the same body type, and it gets a little old, but action and movement are done very well. I have to say, I almost didn’t buy the book just because I didn’t like his interiors. Overall, for all the hooplah, this was a SOLID beginning to the book. It lacked the excitement of the first "Civil War" issue, but it was not a turn off. I’d pick up the next issue and see where it goes. Now there has been a lot of talk about his particular event on here; mostly about the state of “event comics”, event fatigue, and this series lack of originality. Event comics have become just as tired a cliché’ as the deaths of characters; you always know that characters coming back, and with events, you always know that things won’t actually change. They lighten your wallet with the “universe shattering event”, and in the end you just feel like you wasted money. The thing is this: This industry is dying. It’s in a real bad place. If your interest in comics has taken you that far, you know this. Even the top selling books barely do half of what sales were years ago. Not to make excuses, but the event comics are the only ones that pull numbers and that’s what the industry needs right now. Numbers. Honestly? I have no problem with the idea of event comics. In fact, I don’t think most of us do. I think the problem is the consistent lack of quality. But if you think that lack of quality is brought on by their inherent broken promise of change, you can only blame yourselves. Comic fans DON’T LIKE CHANGE. They’ll complain and complain and complain about having change, but the minute you make Spider-Man Black or change Batman’s outfit, they fucking protest outside of Comic Con. Voting with your wallet is a door that swings both ways: if you don’t support change, there will be no change. Thus, if you support consistency, the industry picks up on that and gives you exactly what you want: what you’ve read before. This industry wants to give you what you want. In fact, they have too. They have no choice. And through all the complaints, sales are still high enough on events for them to keep cranking them out. So, how can you blame them for giving the perceived fan what they want? The arguments for lack of originality are grounded in complete fact, but also ignore this fact -- superhero comics will forever be cyclical in their storytelling. "Avengers vs. X-men" has happened before and it will happen again. This is true of every superhero comic story. Our only hope that it will be packaged better this time. That may sound cynical or fatalist, but I don't think it is. I think it's pretty dead on. This is a make or break time for Marvel. I’ll be interested to see if this is the moment where they try for honest, lasting company wide change, or if this event is a solid reconfirmation of whether or not the events are still worth it. Whether you pick this up because you’re interested, or you refuse to because you’re tired of events, understand that in some weird way, that’s a big decision. We are literally deciding the fate of the comics industry. I just hope we don’t kill it in the process.
The art is what you expect from Romita Jr. I think he’s a good artist in certain aspects, but his character designs are a big turn off. Everybody has the same body type, and it gets a little old, but action and movement are done very well. I have to say, I almost didn’t buy the book just because I didn’t like his interiors. Overall, for all the hooplah, this was a SOLID beginning to the book. It lacked the excitement of the first "Civil War" issue, but it was not a turn off. I’d pick up the next issue and see where it goes. Now there has been a lot of talk about his particular event on here; mostly about the state of “event comics”, event fatigue, and this series lack of originality. Event comics have become just as tired a cliché’ as the deaths of characters; you always know that characters coming back, and with events, you always know that things won’t actually change. They lighten your wallet with the “universe shattering event”, and in the end you just feel like you wasted money. The thing is this: This industry is dying. It’s in a real bad place. If your interest in comics has taken you that far, you know this. Even the top selling books barely do half of what sales were years ago. Not to make excuses, but the event comics are the only ones that pull numbers and that’s what the industry needs right now. Numbers. Honestly? I have no problem with the idea of event comics. In fact, I don’t think most of us do. I think the problem is the consistent lack of quality. But if you think that lack of quality is brought on by their inherent broken promise of change, you can only blame yourselves. Comic fans DON’T LIKE CHANGE. They’ll complain and complain and complain about having change, but the minute you make Spider-Man Black or change Batman’s outfit, they fucking protest outside of Comic Con. Voting with your wallet is a door that swings both ways: if you don’t support change, there will be no change. Thus, if you support consistency, the industry picks up on that and gives you exactly what you want: what you’ve read before. This industry wants to give you what you want. In fact, they have too. They have no choice. And through all the complaints, sales are still high enough on events for them to keep cranking them out. So, how can you blame them for giving the perceived fan what they want? The arguments for lack of originality are grounded in complete fact, but also ignore this fact -- superhero comics will forever be cyclical in their storytelling. "Avengers vs. X-men" has happened before and it will happen again. This is true of every superhero comic story. Our only hope that it will be packaged better this time. That may sound cynical or fatalist, but I don't think it is. I think it's pretty dead on. This is a make or break time for Marvel. I’ll be interested to see if this is the moment where they try for honest, lasting company wide change, or if this event is a solid reconfirmation of whether or not the events are still worth it. Whether you pick this up because you’re interested, or you refuse to because you’re tired of events, understand that in some weird way, that’s a big decision. We are literally deciding the fate of the comics industry. I just hope we don’t kill it in the process.

Jim: No. Consume comics however you want. Although I really think a fan should shell out the cash these days. Here is the thing though: Comic shops do not operate like other businesses, where you can buy stock from a producer, and if that stock doesn't sell you can give it back and regain your money. Whatever comic retailers buy, they have to keep, even if none of them sell. The only way to keep the books you love alive is to pre-order because that lets your shop know what to purchase, and that in turn lets the publisher know what books are already hitting it. 90% of books are cancelled before their first issue hits the stands. Honestly, I wait for trades most of the time due to my limited budget. I don't think it's bad. A series like this is guaranteed to finish so waiting for the trade isn't a bad thing.
Me: Thanks again, Jim. I will see you back on the Phile soon. Jim Mello, everybody. For more reviews like this go to his Facebook page Comics Make You Stronger.
Alright, so our 'friend' Reince Priebus has said that the Republicans' The Republicans' anti-women's health agenda is a "fiction." I wanted Reince to be on the Phile to explain but he was busy. So, I thought I would invite friend of the Phile and a woman to explain and get her opinion. So, please welcome back to the Phile, Chair of the Democratic National Committee... Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Debbie: That's right, Reince Priebus says it's just a figment of our imagination.
Me: He's full of shit, right? That's not correct, is it?
Debbie: Let me just say these attacks are very real to the millions of women whose access to health care is on the line, thanks to threats to defund Planned Parenthood and the GOP fight to limit access to birth control.
Me: It's no coincidence that women are fleeing the Republican Party in droves.
Debbie: This is the party that supported Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell's ultrasound law, which forces women considering abortions to undergo a medically unnecessary procedure.
Me: That's crazy, Debbie. What about the women opposed to forced ultrasounds? What do they have to say about that?
Debbie: Pennsylvania's Governor Tom Corbett's answer is to just "close your eyes" and deal with it. This is the "conservative leadership" that Mitt Romney praises.
Me: Speaking of Romney, he has promised repeatedly to defund Planned Parenthood, right?
Debbie: Yes. Planned Parenthood is a 95-year-old organization that is many women's only option for health care. And his No. 1 goal if he gets to the White House: repeal Obamacare, which means turning the clock back to when being a woman was considered a pre-existing condition, and charging us up to 50% more than men for the same health care coverage.
Me: This anti-women's health agenda is not a "fiction".
Me: This anti-women's health agenda is not a "fiction".
Debbie: No matter how many times the GOP denies its existence, this issue isn't going away.
Me: Thank you for coming onto the Phile as always, Debbie. I will see you here soon.
Debbie: Thanks, Jason, for being with me on this one.
Me: Thank you for coming onto the Phile as always, Debbie. I will see you here soon.
Debbie: Thanks, Jason, for being with me on this one.

Okay, today's guest is the 15th artist to be pheatured on the Peverett Phile Art Gallery. He is a comic book artist who best known for his work on "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero", and the 2008 Harvey Award-winning "Popgun v.1" from Image Comics. Please welcome to the Phile... Jeremy Dale.

Me: Hey, Jeremy, welcome to the Phile. How are you, sir?
Me: We briefly met at MegaCon in Orlando a few months ago, sir. You probably don't remember as I am sure you met many fans there. How was the MegaCon experience for you?
Jeremy: I do! Mind you, we tend to meet thousands at these shows, but you were one of those that stood out... In a good way, I swear! LOL. MegaCon was, as usual, an incredible show for us. I always enjoy my time down in Orlando, from the fans to the friends and other pros. I'm really thankful to have been a featured guest the past few years.
Me: You do quite a few conventions, right? Do you like to do those kinda things?
Me: You do quite a few conventions, right? Do you like to do those kinda things?
Jeremy: I love them. I know that's rare amongst my colleagues, but I really live for the enthusiasm and feedback from meeting and conversing with the fans. They really keep me going creatively the rest of the year. I'd do more if I could, but hey, comics don't write and draw themselves!
Me: Did you get to meet Stan Lee there?
Me: Did you get to meet Stan Lee there?
Jeremy: Unfortunately not. I did, however, get to chat him up a very short bit at last year's show. What a personality, let me tell ya. Hehehe.
Me: Is there a favorite convention of yours?
Me: Is there a favorite convention of yours?
Jeremy: I have a small pocket of favorites, but if I had to be pressed? I'd pick HeroesCon in Charlotte, NC hands down. It's a medium-sized show with probably the best roster of artists and creators I've seen, mixed with the most amazing local, loyal fans you'll ever meet. They love their comic art at Heroes.
Me: Where are you from, Jeremy?
Me: Where are you from, Jeremy?
Jeremy: I'm originally from Indiana, raised in Kokomo, an auto factory town about 45 minutes north of Indianapolis. My dad ran a comic shop there until I was maybe 12 years old, and I'd read everything on the stands, from then on I was hooked on the medium.
Me: You live in Atlanta now, right? I take it you've done DragonCon.
Me: You live in Atlanta now, right? I take it you've done DragonCon.
Jeremy: Definitely! Dragon is one of those shows that makes a permanent mark on you once you've been even once. It's the craziest 24-hour party and celebration of costumes, fantasy, comics, sci-fi, and fandom in general that you'll ever experience. Also, less intimidating than, say, the San Diego Comic-Con. Since moving to Atlanta a couple years ago, I've really enjoyed getting integrated into the amazing comics-based creative community here. In fact, I just joined up with a studio here in town, where I work with the likes of Cully Hamner and Laura Martin, two top-notch artists in the comic industry. I've learned tons from these guys and wouldn't trade the experience for anything.
Me: Okay, let's talk about your artwork, sir. You are known for drawing "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero". How long have you been drawing that comic?
Me: Okay, let's talk about your artwork, sir. You are known for drawing "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero". How long have you been drawing that comic?
Jeremy: I illustrated "G.I. Joe" comics for 6 or 7 issues, I forget... they were included with the 25th anniversary action figure two-packs. They were written by Joe creator Larry Hama. What an experience that was. It's definitely helped define the direction my career has taken since.
Me: Were you a collector of G.I. Joe figures growing up?
Me: Were you a collector of G.I. Joe figures growing up?
Jeremy: I don't know that I'd call myself a collector as much as "I was a kid addicted to the 80s toys". I had a ton of the figures, from G.I. Joe to Thundercats to Secret Wars to He-Man to the Turtles and back again. The Joes were great in their variety of characters as well as their kajillion points of movement. I still have a few of those from childhood, actually. I kind of outgrew it, though, as I entered my teens. Not surprisingly, I was much more interested in girls, comics, art, and even music.
Me: I was never really into G.I. Joe, but I did like the movie. Did you?
Me: I was never really into G.I. Joe, but I did like the movie. Did you?
Jeremy: I enjoyed parts, certainly. Was it a great movie? Not so much, in my opinion. Did it have some great scenes along the way? Absolutely! I'm interested in seeing where the sequel takes the franchise.
Me: How did you first get that job, working on that comic?
Me: How did you first get that job, working on that comic?
Jeremy: Interestingly enough, I was contacted out of the blue online by the editor of the project. He said he liked my work and wanted to know if I wanted to work on some G.I. Joe comics. Of course I did! It was a fun project and a real learning experience professionally.
Me: What was your first published work, Jeremy?
Me: What was your first published work, Jeremy?
Jeremy: It really depends on what you consider "published", really... my first published illustrations were in a children's magazine in 1993 or so, where I illustrated a prose story by another author. The first mainstream comic I had published would be "Wildguard:Fool's Gold #1" for Image Comics. Seeing how far I've come artistically since that little story for "Wildguard" is... well, it's night and day. I'm sure most comic retailers have a copy in their back issue boxes... it's a pretty stark difference.
Me: Congrats on winning the Harvey Award for your work on "Popgun v.1". I have heard of that book, Michael Allred was a part of it, right?
Me: Congrats on winning the Harvey Award for your work on "Popgun v.1". I have heard of that book, Michael Allred was a part of it, right?
Jeremy: Thanks, thanks. I was just one of dozens of creators on that book, and yeah, Mike did the cover as well as a short story, I believe. It turned out great, even spawning several more award-winning volumes. I had the opportunity to work with Tim Seeley on that one, who wrote it and good friends Jamie Snell and Nate Lovett, who inked and colored my work on that, respectively.
Me: I have some readers who I betcha don't know what the Harvey Award is, so can you explain?
Me: I have some readers who I betcha don't know what the Harvey Award is, so can you explain?
Jeremy: No problem. The Harvey Awards are one of the most-respected and most honored awards that can be given to any creator or comic, much like the Emmy or the Grammy would be for film or music. The Harveys were named after comic icon Harvey Kurtzman, a cartoonist that founded "Mad" magazine and whom The New York Times called "one of the most important figures in postwar America." Thank you, Wikipedia!
Me: Did you get a cool statue or plaque?
Me: Did you get a cool statue or plaque?
Jeremy: I didn't myself, but the editor of the project did.
Me: What was it like working with those other artists on "Popgun v.1"?
Me: What was it like working with those other artists on "Popgun v.1"?
Jeremy: I didn't have a lot of direct or indirect contact with the other creators, outside of the creative team on my story. I had a lot of great interaction (as usual) with Jamie and Nate, who I've had the pleasure of working with on other projects before and since.
Me: Is there or will there be a "Popgun v.2"?
There was, as well as volumes three and four! All have awards heaped upon them, and are readily available from Amazon or your local comic shop or bookstore.
Me: You have created your own comic book as well called "Skyward", which looks pretty cool. Tell the readers what the book is about.
Me: Is there or will there be a "Popgun v.2"?
There was, as well as volumes three and four! All have awards heaped upon them, and are readily available from Amazon or your local comic shop or bookstore.
Me: You have created your own comic book as well called "Skyward", which looks pretty cool. Tell the readers what the book is about.
Jeremy: Thanks, that's appreciated. "Skyward" is, quite simply, a fantastic storybook adventure of a boy and his dog and how he stumbles into uniting his small corner of the world against an impending invasion from the larger, scarier world around them.
Me: When did you first come up with the concept for "Skyward", Jeremy?
Me: When did you first come up with the concept for "Skyward", Jeremy?
Jeremy: It's been a while now. I believe it's a comic three or four years in the making. In fact, before I was working on "G.I. Joe" I was dabbling with the idea of a fantasy comic that might appeal to the video game generation as well as the casual reader.
Me: How long has it been out? Not long, right?
Me: How long has it been out? Not long, right?
Jeremy: Not long at all. I just debuted the first issue late last year to gauge interest, and it's been a smash hit so far. I'm about 12 issues in plot-wise, and done with issue 4 on the artwork side of things. I've done a short print run of the first, second, and a preview issue (that I call issue zero) so far, with the next couple following pretty quickly now.
Me: What comic book company is putting it out?
Me: What comic book company is putting it out?
Jeremy: It's self-published at the moment until we get picked up (which would be ideal, as doing this entirely on my own is not easy). I'm hoping to announce more on that front soon!
Me: Speaking of comic book companies, I have to ask you, DC or Marvel, what do you prefer?
Me: Speaking of comic book companies, I have to ask you, DC or Marvel, what do you prefer?
Jeremy: I was raised on both, but I have a strong affinity for the Marvel Universe of characters. From Captain America and Spider-Man to The Fantastic Four and Kitty Pryde, Marvel holds many of my favorite comic characters. I'm a sucker for a great Batgirl, Nightwing, or Power Girl tale, though. I wouldn't mind a crack at a youthful Legion of Super-Heroes comic sometime, either!
Me: I am a Marvel fan myself, but do read "Batman". What comics did you read and still read?
Me: I am a Marvel fan myself, but do read "Batman". What comics did you read and still read?
Jeremy: I read comics from just about every publisher right now, from DC, I'm reading "Batman" (for the first time in my life, really), "Wonder Woman", "Flash", and a rotating fourth slot, depending on what looks good. Marvel? Anything drawn by Jim Cheung (like "Avengers" "Childrens Crusade", most recently), "Thor", and "Captain America". I'm really digging creator-owned books right now, primarily. "Skull Kickers", "Mice Templar", "Invincible", "Walking Dead", "Glory", "Fatale", "Chew", "Savage Dragon", "Danger Girl"... just about anything that looks good and has the creator-owned stamp I'll give a shot.
Me: Who are your influences artist wise?
Me: Who are your influences artist wise?
Jeremy: First and foremost, Will Eisner. His work is tremendously inspiring and Eisner is the master of the medium. I love Jack Kirby, Mike Wieringo, Sean Murphy, Ryan Ottley, Olivier Coipiel, Jim Cheung, Amanda Conner, Francis Manapul, Ed McGuinness, and Mike Kunkel all rule my shelf space. I'm taking a lot from animation dynamos like Bruce Timm, Glen Keane as well as comic strip genius Bill Watterson at the moment. Anything that inspires is on the walls of my studio right now.
Me: Let's talk about another series of yours... "Miserable Dastards". I have heard of this book. Tell the readers what it's about.
Me: Let's talk about another series of yours... "Miserable Dastards". I have heard of this book. Tell the readers what it's about.
Jeremy: "Miserable Dastards" is the story of a trio of henchmen who work for supervillains who, fed up with their failures in that career, decide to set out on their own. It's a really funny, charming book that I was glad to have illustrated for screenwriter Richard A. Hamilton. It was optioned a while ago to be a feature film!
Me: I never heard of the word dastard. Bastard obviously, but not dastard. Where did the book title come from?
Me: I never heard of the word dastard. Bastard obviously, but not dastard. Where did the book title come from?
Jeremy: I'm sure that's part of the play on words. Here it's used primarily to allude to the word "dastardly" or "evil". The Dastards are henchmen, hired hands that super villains use to do their dirty, tedious work.
Me: Jeremy, thanks so much for being on the Phile, sir. Your artwork rocks. Go ahead and plug your websites and anything else you wanna plug. And when the movie comes out, can you come back to the Phile?
Me: Jeremy, thanks so much for being on the Phile, sir. Your artwork rocks. Go ahead and plug your websites and anything else you wanna plug. And when the movie comes out, can you come back to the Phile?
Jeremy: Hey, glad to be of service, always nice to chat with those that are passionate about comics! You can find me all over the web, from my website at jeremy-dale.com to Twitter under username jeremydale, as well as on Facebook as artofjeremydale and deviantArt under username thincage! Oh yeah, and buy "Skyward"! Or a commission or original art, I'm not picky. I've got bills to pay!
Me: All the best, and keep up the good work.
Jeremy: Thanks! Will do.

Well, that about wraps it up for another entry of the Phile. Thanks to my guests Jim Mello, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and of course Jeremy Dale. The Phile will be back on Wednesday hopefully on my computer with musician John Pippus. Then next Sunday Phile Alumni and bass player for one of my favorite bands ever.. Squeeze. It's John Bentley and on Monday it's singer Mollie Marriott, daughter of British rock legend and friend of my dad, Steve Marriott. So, spread the word, not the turd. Don't let snakes and alligators bite you. Bye, love you, bye.

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