I am surprised that they released inspirational posters for the miners. Take a look at this one.

March 21, 1940 - October 10, 2010
Album names: "We're Almost Home", "Back to My Roots", "Lord I Need a Miracle Right Now", "Take Me Shake Me", "A Change is Gonna Come", "Don't Give up on Me", "Hold On Tight". Take your pick.
And now from the home office in Port Jefferson, NY, here is this week's...

10. "I'm Going To Washington And You're Going To Hell!"
9. "I'm Proof There's No Evolution."
8. "A Chicken In Every Cauldron."
7. "Looks Like I'm In Way Over My Head Here. Can I Just Host 'Saturday Night Live' Instead?"
6. "Let's Clean Up Washington. I'll Bring The Broom."
5. "Don't Make Me Release The Flying Monkeys!"
4. "I Am Not Related To Rosie."
3. "I'll Beat Those Democrats And Their Little Dogs Too."
2. "Pull My Lever. Pulling Your Own Is A Sin."
And the number one Christine O'Donnell Senate campaign slogan is...
1. "Who Cares? It's Delaware."
It's back! It's been a few months but there's a 10th book in the P.P.B.C. and it's...

Me: Hello, John, welcome back to the Phile. So, how have you been?
Me: It's been just over a year since you were on the Phile last and you are still with Squeeze. Things must be going well, right?
John: Yep, we're still here - bang-banging away!!
Me: I flew up to New York from Orlando just to see Squeeze play at Radio City Music Hall with Cheap Trick. How did that tour come about with both bands playing together?
John: Double the bands and double your money!
Me: Did the bands have turns opening the shows? Do you prefer being the second band on or the first?
John: I prefer going on first. That way I can go into the main bands dressing room while they're on stage and steal all their M&M's.
Me: Were you and are you a fan of Cheap Trick and did you get to know them personally?
John: I was and I am a fan. Getting to know Cheap Trick personally is not recommended... they're weird!!
Me: Last time I interviewed you you said you played at Radio City and sold it out. Was this show with Cheap Trick the second time you played at that venue?
John: Cheap Trick opened for us this time and we sold it out... twice!!
Me: You also did the Jimmy Fallon show right before the concert. Was that a last minute booking?
John: It was totally spontaneous. Kelis who were booked for the show had to pull out and we were asked to fill in for them at the eleventh hour! We literally ran over to NBC TV studios with our guitars and recorded the show in front of a live TV audience.
Me: I am glad to see Squeeze doing American TV appearances. First on Regis and Kelly and then on the Fallon show. That def has to be helping with the big comeback.
John: Playing to a TV audience of millions is not something I do every day. But I suppose when the opportunity arises somebody's got to do it so it might as well be me.
Me: Any plans on doing any more TV show appearances?
John: Yes, I am trying to get one "One Man And His Dog".
Me: Let's talk about the new Squeeze album called "Spot the Difference". It's an album of re-recordings of a bunch of Squeeze songs, right? Whose idea was that, and did you all get to choose what songs to do?
John: The album was recorded so that Glenn and Chris could start to receive some royalties from the songs. The rights to the originals were naively signed away years ago. However the album turned out to be a 'labour of love'.
Me: Do you hope to do a Squeeze album with all new songs?
John: Only if the other members of Squeeze are there!
Me: What's your favorite Squeeze song anyway?
John: "Lady In Red" (?)
Me: I read that you played with Sting, and Paul Young in the past. That must of been call to play with Sting who is an excellent bass player as well. And you played with Garth Brooks? How did that come about?
John: Before Garth (or Gar as I call him) was famous he came over to the U.K. to play some TV shows and had a 'pick up' band while he was over here. I was playing in a country group called The Tender Mercies with BJ Cole and BJ arranged the gig for us. I have a video (it was before DVD) of me singing on TV with Garth. We played "I've Got Friends In Low Places".
Big time... isn't everybody?
Big time... isn't everybody?
Me: John, thanks so much for coming back onto the Phile for another interview. You are welcomed back anytime, sir. Tell Chris and Glenn they are as well and they can contact me at thepeverettphile@gmail.com if they are interested. Go ahead and mention your website, sir.
John: I would like to mention my website... hmmmm? I haven't got one! I do have a Myspace though... John Bentley Official... but it's crap. I just can't work out how to update it, Myspace keeps changing the format. leave it alone, will ya?!
Me: So, any chance Squeeze will be coming down to Florida to play?
John: It's too hot! But if there are lots of fans! (?)
Me: Take care, and keep rocking. Squeeze is my all time favorite band.
John: Me too!!

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phuck fonics
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