Hey, kids, welcome to the Phile for a Wednesday at Walt Disney World. How are you? For those asking why Mulan speaks in English were you expecting the Lion King to meow the entire movie? So, The following are not allowed in the parks: coolers, umbrellas suitcases, lawn chairs, ironing boards, bird cages, card tables, or pianos. Halloween is in full swing at the Magic Kingdom! Soaring temperatures, melting candy, no one in costume. Please note a power surge is affecting the Hall of Presidents: Wilson is pop-and-locking, Tyler's eyes are on fire, LBJ's head has melted, and Lincoln keeps saying "SMORP." So, here's an advice if you're visiting the parks... bring your own plexiglass. Please note that when the park is between holidays some Cast Members become frightened and confused. If you're just now entering the park, your day will likely include zero rides, zero shows, zero character interactions, and five cheeseburgers. Disney is now hiring Thanksgiving Cast Members. They must hate football, must be okay with being hired 11/25 and laid off 11/29, must be grateful for at least three things, and must be white.
Let's start off with some good news... from this crazy ass state. The Aiken Department of Public Safety stated two missing South Carolina boys have officially been found safe in Florida. According to authorities, 9-year-old Matthew and 7-year-old Jerry Kinman were located in good condition at a home in Panama City Beach, Florida. Their mother, Nancy Christina Kinman, who was initially wanted for questioning in connection to their disappearance, found with the boys. Aiken Police had initially issued an alert, saying that the boys had been taking from their bedroom at their home during the night.
A pretty spectacularly entertaining fight video is going viral in multiple corners of the Internet this week, in large part due to its unique setting. The two-man throwdown takes place in a bathroom, which in and of itself isn’t that wild of a place for a fight to happen, especially since it appears to take place at a school.
It’s a high school bathroom. Kids are going to vape and fight and do God knows what else in there from time to time. Rather, it’s where this fight bleeds into. Specifically, a locked stall in said bathroom. More specifically, a locked stall that had some poor bystander pooping in it.
There can’t be too many worse surprises while sitting on the toilet. Here's a screenshot...

This poor kid. He’s just trying to get some peace on the toilet. A break from whatever boring as hell class he was in. Maybe a reprieve from the general social anxieties that come with being a high schooler. And then what happens? Two random kids who are beating the hell out of each other just into his safe space and keep wailing on each other.
The worst part is he had to have been sitting there fearing it might happen. He was obviously on the toilet before the two combatants entered the arena, so to speak. So he heard them come in, talk shit and then start hitting each other. At that point he had to be sitting there hoping he could 1) finish as fast as possible and 2) remain hidden until the festivities ended.
Alas, that was not the case. The fight entered his stall and continued next to him, while his pants were around his ankles and he clasped his knees together to hide himself.
He is laughing though, so at least he’s enjoying the absurdity.
A Roseville, California man is suing Starbucks because a drive-thru cashier spilled piping hot tea onto his hands and lap, causing third-degree burns on his hands and genitals and, he claims, making sex painful and awkward.
Tommy Piluyev was in a Starbucks drive-thru in 2018 when his hot tea was dropped on the window sill of the drive-thru window. The impact caused the lid to come dislodged and the scalding drink spilled over his hands, stomach, and pelvis, burning his exposed skin and burning him through his clothes as well. As far as I know he wasn’t driving pantsless. The then 22-year-old ended up spending 11 days in the burn unit at the UC Davis Medical Center.
Along with being unable to have sex comfortably thanks to his genital scalding, the burns on his legs made it so difficult for Piluyev to walk that he practically had to re-learn how to do it.
Starbucks released a statement in response to the suit.
“We are currently evaluating the claim. Our partners take great pride in ensuring our beverages are crafted with care and delivered to customers safely. We take our responsibility to provide a safe environment seriously and will continue to do so.”
Piluyev’s lawsuit is against both Starbucks and Pactiv Packaging, who makes lids and containers for the coffee company. The suit alleges that Pactiv Packaging and Starbucks knew about the packaging being faulty based on roughly 80 complaints made by Starbucks employees.
According to Piluyev’s attorney, her client still needs laser treatments and plastic surgery to repair his injuries. It’s unfortunate this happened but it’s always nice to have a reminder that fast food coffee is served WAY too hot so that when you go through a drive thru to get a latte or whatever you remain vigilant and aware while making that tenuous handoff. You let your guard down and the next thing you know your scrotum has melted to your thigh. Rooting hard for Piluyev here. Even if the lids weren’t faulty, all of these drinks are served irresponsibly hot. They’re undrinkable for like twenty minutes. It’s a cup of acid when they hand it to you. That's why I only drink cold drinks by the way.
The year 2020 has just turned into the year where we see an epic face off between Star Wars and "Star Trek." Screen legends Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart are facing off in an awesome new Uber Eats ad over ... tomatoes.
Hamill shared the Uber Eats ad on his official Twitter account and even made sure to tag his "nemesis."

The ad plays out with Hamill walking in with a baseball bat and announcing that he's having "a veggie cheeseburger on ciabatta... no tomatoes." That's when Stewart arrives with a cricket bat, visibly irked by Hamill's "no tomato" comment. "I'll be eating four-cheese tortellini with extra tomatoes," he says, emphasizing the different pronunciation on the last word.
At this point, Hamill is ready for the fight but they are interrupted by the arrival of their Uber Eats orders. That's when we get to the hilariously confusing part. "Careful now, old daddy's not here to save you," Stewart tells Hamill who quickly replies, "Oh, I am my daddy."
It's a hilarious ad that shows off each actor's humor and comedic timing. I'm loving the idea of seeing the men who play Luke Skywalker and Jean-Luc Picard just cutting loose and having fun with this ad.
It looks like Hong Kong Disneyland is once again feeling pretty confident after it had to shut its doors earlier this year. Disney has just confirmed that Hong Kong Disneyland is ready to re-open this week.
The confirmation comes from the official Disney Parks News Twitter account which posted the announcement.

Hong Kong Disneyland was one of the first establishments to close its doors earlier this year due to the coronavirus outbreak. However, it was also one of the first tourist spots in China to re-open in June when the country announced that it had been cleared of COVID-19. Sadly, Disneyland had to close again just a month later due to yet another outbreak.
It is still unclear if Hong Kong Disneyland will manage to stay open in September. However, there are certain protocols in place for interested visitors. For instance, you will need to reserve a spot at least a week before your intended visit. The only way to avoid the wait is to be a Magic Access member, who only need to reserve a day before their intended date.
Hong Kong Disneyland reservations are now open for Magic Access members. General reservations will be open on today. The park will be officially open on September 25th.
Are you fans of the 101 Dalmatians? Do you wonder what they're up to today? I will show you.
Awe. Poor puppies. Well, when you go to the Disney parks you have to wear a mask. Here's a poster with Jiminy Cricket to explain why...
Have you been on the Jungle Cruise at the Magic Kingdom recently? They added a new scene. Check it out...
Oh, Disney... cashing in again. When you go into the parks now this is what you have to get through...
Hahahahaha. So, you all heard of Walt Disney, right? Well, have you heard of Wolt Fisteys. Back in the day he had some real masterpiece books out. Like this one...
Oh. Man. Moving on... Have you seen the movie Hercules on Disney+ recently? If you have you might have seen they changed a few things. Like this one...
That's so dumb. Haha. Have you ever paused a Disney movie on DVD or Blu-ray or digital? Its fun to do. Take a look...
Hahaha. There's a new Disney+ TV show coming out soon and I have the exclusive reveal right here...
Ta-da! Should be good. Speaking of Karens...
Okay, bye. Boy oh boy. Now from the home office in Port Jefferson, New York here is...
Top Phive Things Said In The Last Week Of Summer 2020
5. My brother has a fire drill tomorrow on Zoom. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
4. I wanna return to 2011 when my co-worker was dating the drummer for Band of Horses and they were considering a couple's tattoo.
3. Apologies to my therapist but after the pandemic, I'm calling off boundaries. Personal space is cancelled. Starting in 2021 it's wither absorb every atom of my being or GTFO.
2. The good news is the apartment above me got a drum set.
And the number one thing said in the last week of summer 2020 was...
1. I try and only eat one big meal a day like a snake, the skinniest animals I know.
If you spot the Mindphuck let me know. Let's take a live look at Port Jefferson, shall we?
Looks like a nice day and some people seem to have a table set up in the park and having lunch. That's cool. Okay, here's a story from this crazy state of Florida...

What in the world is going on? I really don’t get how anti-maskers go to the extreme to prove a point that does not exist. Everyone here is worried about trying to not get the coronavirus and trying to stay safe and sound. But this Florida bar owner is so ignorant, to the point that they decide to make his own rules despite the safety guidelines that we are all following. Gary Kirby, owner of Westside Sports Bar and Lounge, has decided to ban customers from wearing any face covering at his West Melbourne, Florida bar.
The sign reads, “Masks Prohibited. No more masks. End this nonsense. All over the world. We will all stop wearing masks. Just throw that filthy thing away.” In West Melbourne, bars and restaurants are not required to have mandatory mask policies but they need to advertise their own policies on their front door. According to Kirby, he doesn’t believe in face masks, adding that he finds face coverings problematic for several reasons. He noted, “In the event that law enforcement was to need to use my security cameras, I feel that somebody wearing a mask could impair their ability to do their job.” The business owner tried to prove his point by saying it was a “security issue” noting that he was recently robbed and the suspect was wearing a mask in the bar. As far as a crime itself, well it has yet to be solved due to not being able to see the suspects face on the security cameras. Can someone fact check this for me, please? Kirby also believes that face-coverings make it difficult for bartenders to perform several important elements in their roles. He stated, “My bartenders need to verify identity. How can you be so sure it’s me if I’m wearing a mask? It’s also the bartender’s responsibility by law to make sure guests aren’t being over-served. How can they tell that if they can’t see someone’s face?”
Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, recommend that bars and restaurants require cloth face covering or face masks for all staff if possible, citing on-site dining with both outdoor and indoor seating is the highest risk category if tables are not distanced and capacity is limited. Since Westside also serves food, the bar has been able to stay open at a very limited capacity throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, except for when the local government decided to shut down all restaurants temporarily. So far, none of the employees have come down with COVID-19, stating the restaurant to take extra safety precautions.
According to the owner, the Florida sports bar is still practicing social distancing, takes extra steps when it comes to cleaning, and has been “left to survive the pandemic so far.” The owner also noted that he had several compliance checks by several agencies of the State of Florida, and there hasn’t been a single complaint. Besides the ridiculous no-mask policy, the owner did note that their tables are separated by six feet and they conduct regular temperature checks by a doorman. In the case that one of his employees does contact COVID-19, they will need to quarantine for 14 days, will need two consecutive negative tests before returning to work, and encourages all his employees, including himself and customers, to do the same.
Honestly, this to me seems insanely dumb. I can’t wait for this place to blow up and have multiple coronavirus cases in Florida because of this. Honestly, it’s a piece of face cloth. It doesn’t cost you anything. All you need to do is put it around your mouth and nose for protection. That’s it, we’re not asking anything else from you. This is so selfish, especially for a bar owner. This is why we can’t get better people, he is seriously playing with fire. Wear masks, don’t be dumb. Oh, and in case you were wondering, yes social media has defiantly been bashing on the bar. Can’t wait to see how that goes. At this point, you’re safer going to Walmart.

The 136th book to be pheatured in the Phile's Book Club is...
Stephenie will be on the Phile on Monday. Okay, wanna laugh?
When Jane initially met Tarzan of the Jungle, she was attracted to him and during her questions about his life, she asked him how he had sex. "Tarzan not know sex!" He replied.
Jane explained to him what sex was.
Tarzan said. "Oh, Tarzan use hole in trunk of tree!"
Horrified, she said. "Tarzan you have it all wrong, but I will show you how to do it properly!"
She took off her clothes and lay down on the ground. "Here!" She said. "You must put it in here!"
Tarzan removed his loincloth, stepped closer with his huge erection, and then gave her an almighty kick right between her legs.
Jane rolled around in agony, but manages to gasp for air and screamed. "What did you do that for?"
"Tarzan check for bees!"
Okay, this is cool. Today's guests are two gentlemen who are both American voice actors. One is an actor, voice actor and singer, who has done many voice roles in various films, television shows, and video games, and plays PJ in
A Goofy Movie, which celebrates 25 years this year. The other is a Phile Alum and an actor and singer who played Pete in
A Goofy Movie. Please welcome to the Phile... Rob Paulsen and Jim Cummings.
Me: Hey, guys, this is so cool to have you both here on the Phile from Walt Disney World. One of you have been on the Phile before and one of you are new. How is it going?
Jim: Hello, citizens,
Rob: Hello, Jason.
Me: Rob, I'm so excited to have you here. You played Yakko Warner in "The Animaniacs," but you're here to talk about A Goofy Movie. You played someone named PJ. I don't know much about him, what can you say about him?
Rob: I haven't done that show, "The Animaniacs" for 25 years, but glad to be doing it again. Anyway, I think PJ's a sweet character and a real loyal friend. Those are qualities I think I possess. I certainly have known to be a smart-ass like Raphael. PJ is kinda of a goofball and I'm certainly that. PJ is a big, simple, happy go lucky goof. That's kinda me. I'd like to think I'm more complicated than PJ intellectually. I'm just a big kid and like to have a good time.
Me: He's Pete's son, right?
Rob: Yeah, and luckily I didn't have to be a big obnoxious asshole like my "dad." Pete is played of course by Jimmy Cummings who is none of those things. It shows you what a great actor Jimmy is. He's the most down to earth, kind, funny, great sense of humor, but not all a blowhard like Pete. He's not like that at all. Jimmy nailed it, man. He's such an incredibly gifted actor. He can play anything like Pete, Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Taj. He's the master at replicating incredibly popular characters with all the nuances that made them would famous to begin with. But then he can create his own stuff like Darkwing Duck, and other things that are so incredibly wonderful. And be known and loved for all of it. He's a pretty super gifted guy.
Me: Jim, Pete is such an iconic Disney character. You knew about him before, right?
Jim: He's one of those guys that every one of us already known. When we are little kids coming up we don't realize the age of certain cartoons, at least I didn't. Pete was tied for first place if you think about it, he's the oldest Disney character because he was in "Steamboat Willie" with Mickey. Mickey is whistling and there's Pete, he's in that same cartoon. Everybody kinda knew him.
Me: Did you like Pete as a character?
Jim: Yeah, I always thought he was kinda cool. He always reminded me of someone from a series called "The Bowery Boys." it was policeman who always messed with Laurel and Hardy when I was a little kid, he still is. Ha ha. He always reminded me of Pete and he was having fun because he wasn't a super bad guy but he was more obnoxious goober. We need that because we can't have a true villain with Mickey and Goofy. We just need somebody to give them some guff and friction and he provided that. Those kinda characters are a lot of fun to do because they're not too traditional. Mickey's to busy being virtuous and Goofy's to busy being goofy so they cannot provide that sort of friction it takes. So Pete walks in and says, "You remind me to study hard because I don't want to end up like you, pal." He has those upside down compliments.
Me: Did you have fun playing Pete?
Jim: I loved doing him because I got to make fun. I remember one time he crawled out on the roof on "Goof Troop" and scared the bejesus out of the kids. I think it was the Halloween show or whatever, and he got chastised by Peg, played by April Winchell on the show, and he said, "You know, I think a stick to the system is good for the little weasels." He had all these terrible philosophies. When he says something kind to his son PJ, "You're daddy's favorite little write-off." There's always something in it for him. It's such a kick, it's so much fun.
Me: I had no idea that Dana Hill, who I know from National Lampoon's European Vacation, and I remember seeing her on TV throughout the 70s and 80s I think it was. She was the original actor to play Max Goof. What was she like?
Rob: Oh, she was delightful. She was a wonderful actress.
Me: Did you know about her beforehand from the stuff she did?
Rob: Yeah, she looked much younger than she really was age wise. She did a great movie with Albert Finney in the late 80s I want to say, early 90s called Shoot the Moon. She was fantastic in it and that's where I think I first saw her being a fan and then I worked with her for a couple of years on "Goof Troop" before she unfortunately passed away from her diabetes. She was just delightful, great sense of humor, obviously gifted. Loved doing the voice acting thing. She blended in with all of us even though she was in all practical purposes a budding upcoming movie star. She had no pretense about her. I miss her, she was a delightful lady. She was very sweet and certainly died much too soon. She had real serious issues obviously with her diabetes, I believe it was a diabetic coma that ultimately took her life. She accomplished a lot of stuff in a short peeped of time. The legacy of that show is a real feather in her cap.
Me: Rob, can you believe 25 years ago that A Goofy Movie and "Disney's Goof Troop" is still popular?
Rob: I have to say, Jason, I cannot believe that people love this show and movie so much. I had blast doing it and I do a lot of personal appearances and when people find out I played PJ they get a kick out of it. I have no idea the level people still enjoy "Goof Troop" and A Goofy Movie. It's pretty cool.
Me: Was it weird working with Jason Marsden who took over playing Max from Dana?
Rob: That happens often, people get replaced on things. Obviously when someone dies there's no choice. Sometimes it happens over a contract dispute, getting a job that stops them from getting that job again, its not unusual but difficult for the one who has to take over but for Jason the bar was pretty high because what Dana did. And he clearly reached it and even surpassed it because people love him.
Me: Jim, what was it like working with Bill Farmer who I had on the Phile not long ago?
Jim: Oh, it was just a lot of fun, We knew each other so well. I always enjoyed his timing. They were kinda like Hope and Crosby. One guy was sort of a straight man and a bumbler and the other guy was a wisenheimer. He was a con man so that's a potent combo right there. Anything goes. He always pretends to take Goofy under his wing and give him some advice but he ends up picking his pocket instead. It's always a fun ride.
Me: What would you do if you had a neighbor like Goofy?
Jim: I'd be Pete. Hopefully I could ignore him enough and that wouldn't matter. I wouldn't let him detail my car. Goofy is like all 3 Stooges all rolled into one. You don't want him as a caterer. He's not the guy where you'd say, "Help me, I'm opening up a China shop. Would you lie to be my manager?" No. Just don't go there.
Me: Jim, did you ever have change a voice that people knew?
Jim: When we did Jungle Book 2 of course Phil Harris was gone anyway, then when we did "TaleSpin" Ed Gilbert who had passed on too was basically doing Phil Harris who was the original Baloo. Then when they went on to do Jungle Book 2 other than get another Phil Harris clone they decided to get John Goodman who is kinda in that neck of the woods anyway. He doesn't sound like Phil Harris but he's in the Baloo zone. Whereas Steve Martin for crying out loud, he's funny but he's not Goofy funny. He's more, I don't know, cerebral funny or what have you.
Me: Why didn't the other Goofy voice work?
Jim: Goody is not going to cone out and say, "Sorry, old boy, do you have some Grey Poupon?" That might be funny for one episode, like if he got hit in the head. Then he'd have to turn back into Goofy.
Me: I've never seen A Goofy Movie. When you first saw it, what did you think?
Rob: I'm ashamed to say this but I don't think I ever saw it. That's not unusual, sometimes I do work and it comes out a year later, it goes to a movie theater or a screaming comes up and I'm not available for the screening. Probably the work I've done throughout my career maybe seen 15% of it, because it just comes out a year or two later.
Me: Jim, are you surprised how popular the movie is still after 25 years?
Jim: I'm pleasantly surprised but not overtly by the fact that was an evergreen show. There is nostalgia for shows that have heart and the characters that people cared about. There was one guy that was a real eye-roller and one guy that someone was routing for, another guy that was funny and another girl that was incredible. They cared about the characters, they cared about what happened to them. They wanted the best for them. They always rooted for Goofy because he was the underdog, no matter where he is.
Me: Here's a question I wanted to ask Bill Farmer but didn't. Jim, is Goofy really a dog?
Jim: Yes, he really is a dog, doggammit.
Me: What were your thoughts when they announced A Goofy Movie being made?
Rob: Oh, well, my God, I was grateful. Its funny, people ask me if "The Animaniacs" came back would I do it? Yeah, in a heartbeat. It wasn't like I had to think about it. When they said they were going go do a Goofy movie because the series had generated a lot of interest, I don't think any actor would say nah, not interested. Unless they had another super gig, and then even then it was a great experience. It was directed by Kevin Lima who I adore, there was no reason not to do the movie appear from the obvious reason to do it because I was working. But I cannot think of any other reason the actors don't want to do it because they're all assholes. They were all my good friends so that was a no brainer.
Me: Jim, what are your finest memories of both "Goof Troop" and A Goofy Movie?
Jim: Oh, gosh, I can remember we did a lot of ad-libbing, we did a lot of improv. Some of those things are always a lot of fun for me because I like to go off the sprit, As long as I'm still servicing the story and propelling to forward and not stopping it for a wittism then pick up the plot line and move it forward. As long as it incorporates into the plot I'm okay. I can remember there was a lot of decision making going on in the booth, at one point I can remember Jason, Bill and I were at the studio and we all looked at each and sort of laid down on the floor. They looked for us and were like, "Where they'd go?" "We are here. We are laying down waiting on you guys." They were like, "Fine. Sorry. We get the hint." It was just fun, we did a lot of rewrites and a lot of redos. The whole thing was fun. I remember learning the choreography was fun. I'm kidding, don't worry, that was a joke. We don't dance. Ha ha ha.
Me: Pauly Shore did a voice for A Goofy Movie. What was your feeling when they cast someone who wasn't a voice actor. Were you scared, Rob?
Rob: Am I scared they won't do a good job?
Me: Yeah, or scared that they won't take it respectively.
Rob: I don't care. Listen, that doesn't matter to me. I never met Pauly back then, I don't think we worked together on the movie. Often in features we work by ourselves. Frankly myself session time I'm booked to be there X amount of hours and if I can't get it done because an actor is taken too long they'd rebook me and pay me again. Pauly did a great job. These folks at Disney know what they're doing, if they want to hire a guy or girl for a specific role good for them, they know what they're doing I hope. How am I going to argue with the success of Disney? If they want to hire my mail carrier, the talking jukebox because he has a unique voice. He's not an accomplished actor as far as I know but that's not my decision. I'm a hired gun and happy to be there. I don't like it when people are unprofessional. But that ideally doesn't come out of them because they may be out of their depth. Being unprofessional I meant being rude, or show up a little tanked, show up an hour late. That stuff bothers me but if they're having trouble figuring it out or not quite accomplished because maybe they haven't done as much work as I have it's not my project, I didn't hire them. The same people who hired them hired me so I'm grateful to be there.
Me: Jim, in twenty years from now do you think people will still be talking about A Goofy Movie?
Jim: Yeah, and all the other Disney Afternoon shows, but 20 from years now is probably unlikely that people are going to be sitting around going, "Gosh, back when we were kids it was great to have those 'burp' shows. Some of those 'burps' were so good. And when they had the booger flinging contest. They don't make good booger cartoons like they used to anymore." We're just not going to have that conversation, know what I mean?
Me: I agree 100%. I take it you don't like cartoons of the present?
Jim: There's nothing wrong with scatter logical humor here or there but I don't know, its like stick value for the sake of shocking and incorporating it into a story where it has meaning. Things are different. Ever generation has said that since the age of Romans but that doesn't make it untrue.
Me: Guys, this was so cool. Thanks for coming on the Phile.
Rob: Thank you, buddy, for talking to us.
Jim: It was great to be back on your cool blog, Jason. Keep it going, man.
That about does it for this entry of the Phile. Thanks to Rob and Jim for a cool interview. The Phile will be back on Monday with author Stephenie Meyer. Spread the word, not the turd. Don't let snakes and alligators bite you. Bye, love you, bye. Kiss your brain!
I don't want you, cook my bread, I don't want you, make my bed, I don't want your money too, I just want to make love to you. - Willie Dixon
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