Okay, today's Alumni guest was last on the Phile September 14th last year. She recently has a new album called "Rumors" that is really, really good and is available to download on iTunes. Tomorrow she'll be playing at Eastern University in St. Davids, PA. Please welcome to the Phile, the lovely and talented... Joy Ike.
Joy: I’m just peachy, Jay.
Me: Did you get good feedback last time you were on the Phile?
Me: Did you get good feedback last time you were on the Phile?
Joy: Unfortunately its hard to tell how people are finding out about my music… but I’m sure people read the last interview on your site.
Me: A lot has happened since you were last here, right? Are you still based in PA?
Me: A lot has happened since you were last here, right? Are you still based in PA?
Joy: Yep, still in Pittsburgh, PA but I’m traveling a lot these days. Mostly through PA, DC, Philly, NYC and the surrounding areas.
Me: You won the Pittsburgh City Paper's Best Solo Artist two years in a row, is that right? Do you get anything cool when you win?
Me: You won the Pittsburgh City Paper's Best Solo Artist two years in a row, is that right? Do you get anything cool when you win?
Joy: No, you actually get a cheesy plaque and your name in the paper… but it’s a good resume booster which is primarily what I use it for.
Me: You play a lot of shows it seems, and you've opened for many national acts. Who have you opened for that you still can't believe you opened for that person?
Me: You play a lot of shows it seems, and you've opened for many national acts. Who have you opened for that you still can't believe you opened for that person?
Joy: Well, a few weeks ago I got to play Lilith Fair and share an event with Sara MacLachlan (did I spell that right), Sara Bareilles, Missy Higgins, Jill Hennesey, and Butterfly Boucher. But realistically, only Jill and Butterfly were directly on my stage. But it was cool to meet all the aforementioned ladies, and also be on a Q&A panel with them!
Me: I know you're a fan of Brooke Waggoner... she'll be on the Phile in September, Joy. That's cool, right?
Joy: Yes. Very!
Me: It's coo, you played Lilith Fair. You did mention to the other Fair performer's about being on the Phile, right?
Me: It's coo, you played Lilith Fair. You did mention to the other Fair performer's about being on the Phile, right?
Joy: Wink, wink. I sure did!
Me: Okay, let's talk about your new album. Well done on getting your fans to fund it. How did that happen?
Me: Okay, let's talk about your new album. Well done on getting your fans to fund it. How did that happen?
Joy: Well, I knew I didn’t have a money and thought I’d take a chance in asking my fans. I was afraid it wouldn’t work out b/c the economy has sortagone to the crapper. But, people were really so excited to be a part of the project, get their names in the liner notes, and get wonderful incentives like advanced copies of the CD, “I Like Ike” t-shirts, a house show in their living room, a custom made song… etc. It was a really fun campaign that I hope to do again for my next album.
Me: If I tried to get my fans to fund anything I would maybe end up with just enough money to buy a cup of Starbuck's coffee. You must have a lot of cool and die-hard fans. That has to make you feel good, right, Joy?
Me: If I tried to get my fans to fund anything I would maybe end up with just enough money to buy a cup of Starbuck's coffee. You must have a lot of cool and die-hard fans. That has to make you feel good, right, Joy?
Joy: It really does. I’ve come to realize that music doesn’t carry much weight if not for the fans who listen. This is why I’d rather do an intimate show with 10 solid listeners than a packed bar with 100 people. At small show I really have a chance to interact with people, spend quality time with folks and leave with solid fans who understand my songs (and the stories behind them) and will likely pass it on to their friends.
Me: The album is called "Rumors". How did that title come about, and are you a Fleetwood Mac fan?
Me: The album is called "Rumors". How did that title come about, and are you a Fleetwood Mac fan?
Joy: No, the album actually doesn’t have anything to do with FM. I actually never listened to them growing up. The album is all about Rumors – like the ones school girls pass around even though they’re completely untrue. The CD is about fishing through rumors/myths/false information to discover truth. It’s a running theme through the album and its also the title of one of the song. I was fairly certain I had to name the album "Rumors".
Me: Did you write all the songs on it?
Me: Did you write all the songs on it?
Joy: Yes, indeedy!
Me: By the way, I purchased the album off iTunes, Joy. It's your third album, right? How does "Rumors" compare with the other two?
Me: By the way, I purchased the album off iTunes, Joy. It's your third album, right? How does "Rumors" compare with the other two?
Joy: The first one (the ep), we can’t speak of. Its from my beginner days and it will hopefully stay in the archives forever. *chuckle* "Good Morning", my first full-length album came out in 2008. This album is important because it marked the true starting point of my music career – an era where I quit my job, jumped fully into music, and started fresh (hence the title). At the same time, "Good Morning" is a young album. It is not well developed. "Rumors" is my baby. There are already things on it that I would change, but all in all, I am so very proud of it. It’s a heartfelt, honest, mature sound that reflects my live performance and I hope people like it more than "Good Morning".
Me: Any chance you'll be releasing a live album?
Joy: Probably one day.
Me: I saw a bunch of clip of you on YouTube, Joy. Is there any chance we'll be able to see you on "The View", or any other TV show performing soon?
Me: I saw a bunch of clip of you on YouTube, Joy. Is there any chance we'll be able to see you on "The View", or any other TV show performing soon?
Joy: God willing, Jay.
Me: By the way, you have so many websites, Joy. Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and more. Does that help get your name out?
Me: By the way, you have so many websites, Joy. Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and more. Does that help get your name out?
Joy: Yes, they all help immensely.
Me: Joy, thanks again for coming back on the Phile. Go ahead and plug whatever you want and I hope to see you on the Phile soon again, and hopefully on tour. All the best and continued success.
Me: Joy, thanks again for coming back on the Phile. Go ahead and plug whatever you want and I hope to see you on the Phile soon again, and hopefully on tour. All the best and continued success.
Joy: For all tour dates, visit joyike.com/shows. See below for my other sites: http://www.joyike.com, http://www.myspace.com/joyike, http://facebook.com/joyike, http://twitter.com/joyike,

That's about it for this entry and the most phantastic Summer ever. If I am still doing the Phile next Summer we'll have another most phantastic Summer ever. Also, that's about it for Alumni Month, but not for Alumni's. Next Thursday Alumni Gabrielle Louise will be here, then on the following Thursday it's Alumni Ernie Halter, both who have new albums out. And then in three weeks it's Brooke Waggoner! Thanks to Joy for doing a great interview again. I will have her back when her next album comes out and thanks to Logan for letting me use his computer again. He is busy downstairs right now doing math. Until next week, spread the word, not the turd, don't let snakes and alligators bite you. Bye, love you, bye.

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