Friday, May 29, 2009

Pheaturing Nate Piekos


So, if someone asks you to sing a song on the spot, don't start singing, then jump on a table, breaking it, landing on your ass, with the table giving you a bump on the head and making the safety record go from 100 days to zero. Just sing the damned song. Just saying, that's all. Okay, I got that off my chest, hello, and welcome to the Phile, the most updated blog, and sponsor of and tacanow.orgNight at the Museum made a bazillion dollars over the weekend. There's a sex museum in Amsterdam — I hope that's where they make the next one.
I would hate to actually spend a real night in a museum. All those ancient fossils and dusty old bones... if I wanted that I'd watch "60 Minutes." The museum I do like is Madam Tussauds Wax Museum in London. There's a figure of Sean Connery that's very lifelike. You can tell it's fake only because he's holding a drink that still has some left in it. North Korea detonated an underground nuclear weapon. So I guess they'll be ready if they're ever attacked by gophers. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is going to debate climate change with the Chinese. She'll do fine — these negotiations always come down to whoever blinks first. Honolulu just conducted the first-ever, all-digital elections. No voting booths. People cast their votes online or by phone. Everyone should congratulate Honolulu's new mayor — a piano-playing cat. President Obama has nominated Sonia Sotomayor as the first female Hispanic justice on the Supreme Court. Obama said it will help keep the court from leaning too far to the white. She grew up in the Bronx. She said, "Don't be fooled by the robes I got, I'm still Sonia from the block." In West Virginia, a clown returning from a kid's party was arrested for drunk driving. Police say he tried to turn the breathalizer into a giraffe. One other thing, after running out of options, Chrysler headed to bankruptcy court the other morning. And — this isn’t good — it headed there in a brand new Mitsubishi. 

Here's a top ten list for my friend Pete and my sister Leila and her husband.
Top Ten Signs You're Obsessed with "Lost". 
10. When leaving an airplane you ask the flight attendant for the local time... and year.
9. Walking backwards thinking it might change time.
8. Inexplicably fearful of polar bears while on Hawaiian vacation.
7. Refuse to ask for directions... ever!
6. You have an uncontrollable urge to punch anyone named Ben.
5. You're deeply saddened when your transpacific flight lands safely in Los Angeles.
4. For Halloween, you gained 500 pounds and went as Hurley.
3. You frequently blame work absences on the smoke monster.
2. You've been wearing the same clothes for 4 years now.
And the number one sign you're obsessed with the greatest show ever to be on TV...
1. You refer to your in-laws as "The Others".

Set in the year 2018, Terminator Salvation fleshes out what had previously been glimpsed in passing in the original Terminator trilogy—the war between man and machines and the birth of the resistance behind a haunted man named John Connor (Christian Bale). Compared to the original trilogy, Salvation feels like a completely different movie, and that's a good thing. Comparisons are inevitable, so McG wisely sets his take apart by making it more of a war flick than a technological cat and mouse game. The script plods like a rusty T-600, but the action scenes (in particular a sequence that starts out on foot, becomes an intense truck-vs-motorcycles road chase, and segues without stopping for breath into an aerial dogfight) are impressive and, honestly, what you're in the theater for in the first place. And the story problems are part and parcel of the Terminator timeline—anyone who claims that Salvation lacks continuity is clearly viewing the older movies through rose-colored memories. This story has had gaping holes long before McG came along. And there's no need to overthink this. The original Terminator was a well done B-movie. That's all. This is an enjoyable sci-fi action flick. That's all. Isn't that enough? It was never going to top T2, but then again, neither did T3. But... like I said, the script is fucking dumb (Moon Bloodgood suffers the worst at its hands, and someone forgot to even write a character for Bryce Dallas Howard), but most of it can, and should, be shrugged off. Hell, it even has a climactic "villain monologue" where the nefarious plan is explained in great detail to the hero—it would have seemed right at home in a word bubble above Dr. Doom's head. But, again, it's all in good fun. The movie is loaded with nods and winks, which range from cheesy (Guns 'N Roses' "You Could Be Mine"?) to fun (a nicely timed "I'll be back") to really impressive (Watch T2 and note the scar above Connor's left eye in the opening flashforward sequence. You actually see how he gets it—McG did his homework on that one). Go see this in a theater, because it is LOUD in the way a good summer action flick should be. Don't nitpick. Just enjoy. From 1 to 10, I give it a 7. 

A major earthquake accompanied by a fire destroys the city of Antioch, killing perhaps a quarter of a million people. The rebuilding efforts are wiped away two years later by another major quake.
Constantinople is taken by Ottoman Turks, after a fifty day siege led by Sultan Mehmet II. The city defense of 10,000 men was no match for a force of 100,000 armed with heavy artillery. It is the final gasp of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire.
Dueling over a horse racing wager, future President Andrew Jackson takes a bullet in the chest from fellow lawyer Charles Dickinson. The slug shatters two ribs and buries itself near his heart. Then it is Jackson's turn to fire, which manages to sever an artery and kill his opponent.
Two hours before kickoff of the European Cup Final, a riot breaks out in the stadium between supporters of Liverpool and Juventus at Heysel Stadium in Brussels, Belgium. 39 soccer fans are killed and more than 350 injured on live television.
Hikers discover the skeletal remains of Philip "Taylor" in his Ford Aerostar at the bottom of a 200-foot ravine in Malibu, California. The onetime bassist for the band Iron Butterfly had disappeared four years prior.


Alright, today's guest is the last of the Artist Month interviews for now. He's a comic book artist, and font maker who has his own company called Blambot. Phans, please welcome to the Phile... Nate Piekos.

Me: Hello, Nate, welcome to the Phile, sir. So, how are you?

Nate: Groovy! Thanks for having me!

Me: Your work is amazing, creating all different fonts. I didn't think anybody did that... I thought maybe computers did or they just became magically. LOL. This is something most people don't think about. So, how many fonts have you created and do you think of new ones every day?

Nate: Thanks. I've never actually counted, but a rough estimate would be around 200-300 fonts. I create 2 new fonts every month, and I start 3-5 more. Some get finished and some just aren't good enough to make the cut.

Me: Ever wake up with a new font in your head?

Nate: No, not yet. I usually get inspired by doodling in a sketchbook or having a specific goal in mind before I start (if I need a specific look or feel for a project...)

Me: Some fonts are over used, right, like the Indiana Jones font for example. Are there any fonts that you really like or any you can't stand.

Nate: Comic Sans is over-used. There's one they use for a lot of movie logos too. Trajan, I think. I like a lot of Ray Larabie's fonts over at Typodermic.

Me: What's your favorite font you saw on TV or the movies? The "Lost" one is cool, but basic. And I loved the ones they used on "Alias".

Nate: To be honest, I've never watched either of those shows. I don't watch a lot of TV and when I do it's the History Channel, Discovery Channel or Travel Channel... with "Family Guy" mixed in there. My favorite show is Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations" on Travel Channel. I see a lot of my fonts on TV now. Do those count? :)

Me: Do you draw by hand or use computers? If you use computers I am guessing you're a Mac user. The Phile is done on an iMac.

Nate: I do everything. I draw by hand and I use computers. I have 2 Macs and 3 PCs in my studio. I use them interchangeably.

Me: When did you start drawing, and where did you go to school?

Nate: I started drawing when I was a little kid. I went to college at Rhode Island College. I majored in Graphic Design and I minored in History. I got my degree in 1999.

Me: Tell the readers about your company Blambot Comic Fonts & Lettering, Nate. When was it formed, and do most comic book companies use it?

Nate: I started making my own fonts in college and a friend taught me some HTML so I built a website for them. As the years went by, I got better at it and eventually I started getting work with indie publishers and then with Marvel Comics and Dark Horse Comics. offers free fonts for indie creators and affordable pay fonts if you want something a little nicer. My portfolio of custom fonts, lettering and logo design is there as well.

Me: You also have done stuff for TV and Movies, right? What is curretly shown or out that a Phile reader can spot your work on?

Nate: Let's see... one of my fonts was used in the movie Secondhand Lions... another is used on "Robot Chicken" on Adult Swim. They're in magazines all over the place and I've even seen them on billboards on the highway.

Me: You worked with Mike Allred, who created "Madman". How was he to work with, and what did you do for him?

Nate: Mike is the best. He brought me on board for my first job at marvel. I designed a whole bunch of fonts for him and I lettered the majority of the books that he drew for Marvel. I'll be working with him again soon on a project for DC. I think that's still top secret though.

Me: And you worked on my favorite comic recently "The Umbrella Academy." How did you enjoy that job and did you get to meet Gabriel and Gerald?

Nate: I did! We hung out a bit at San Diego Comic Con. Both great guys. Gerard is very down to earth and a great writer. Gabriel is a genius artist and a humble guy.

Me: Not only do you draw, Nate, but you also play instruments, right? Are you currently in a band?

Nate: No bands currently. I play guitar, primarily. But also bass and a little drums. I built a mini music studio in my basement with all the instruments and amplifiers, drumkit, etc. For friends to come over and jam.

Me: Have you ever done work for any bands? Some bands have some cool fonts. Like Foghat, right?

Nate: Yeah, I've done work for Killola out of Los Angeles. They're awesome. Check them out.

Me: You also did some writing I believe. You have an online book called "Dead Ends". What is that about and where can someone check it out?

Nate: You can check it out online. It's a zombie horror novel that lets you choose what the characters do. I haven't been able to get back to writing it in a while, though.

Me: Have you ever written comic stories? I think you wrote a Spider-Man one off.

Nate: Yeah, I wrote a Spider-Man story for marvel, a Hellboy story for Dark Horse and a completely original story for MySpace Dark Horse Presents.

Me: Nate, do you have any websites you wanna plug? Also, what do you think of the Phile's logo and lettering?

Nate: http://www.blambot.com (which I write and draw!)
Give me a link to the logo and lettering and I'll check them out.

Me: Thanks for taking time out to do this interview. I hope it was fun. And if you ever want to send me a Peverett Phile font, I won't say no. ; )

Nate: HA! Thanks for having me. It was a pleasure!


Thanks to Nate for a great interview. Go ahead and check his work out. Well, that's it for Artist Month. There's still some artists who want to be interviewed so I have a feeling there's gonna be another Artist Month real soon. Thanks also to Wikipedia and Jimmy Fallon, and to you the readers of the Phile. The next entry will be on Monday with an interview with a band called A Fragile Tomorrow. Man, I hope I don't have a fragile tomorrow. So, until then, spread the word, not the turd.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Pheaturing Stacy Clark


Hello, welcome to a Monday entry of the Phile, the web's most updated blog on the internet, and proud sponsor of and Happy Memorial Day. Here in Central Florida it finally stopped raining. Orlando is changing it's name to Atlantis there's so much water here now. The National Archives lost a harddrive with massive amounts of valuable data from the Clinton administration. It contained Bill Clinton’s “to-do” list — 500 people long. A survey has found that 26 percent of people admit to texting while driving. The other 74 percent admitted to texting while being hit by a car. According to a new poll, Dick Cheney’s approval rating is up 8 percentage points since leaving office. Wow, I can’t believe Cheney’s approval rating is 8 percent. Finally, Michelle Obama is on the cover of Time magazine this week. She says she has dinner with Barack and the kids every night. And then — oh it’s so cute — Joe Biden jumps up and tries to lick the plates. 

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
It's been a couple years since we last left night watchmen Larry Daley (Ben Stiller), one of the only people who knows the New York City Museum of Natural History's secret. At night, a magical Egyptian tablet (because there is no other kind) breathes life into the museum's collection of historical waxworks and artifacts. In the ensuing time, Larry has quit his job, become successful, and now in this sequel to the 2006 hit, is on a mission to rescue his magical friends, who have been shipped to The Smithsonian in Washington DC, from three reincarnated historical villains. It's a kids movie. So, like, if you're a kid, you might dig it. If you're a parent with a kid, you might dig it. If you're a degenerate, video-game playing, bong-sucking dude who digs boobs, beer, and bacon… well maybe this isn't your thing. But if you pass out in a gutter and inexplicably wake up in a theater chair as Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian rolls, you might think the special effects are cool, and the mild history lessons informative, and you might even chuckle at the comedy all-star cast assembled. None of these, of course, are certainties. It's one of those kid flicks that thinks kids are dumb. This is unfortunate, since this franchise has a built-in braininess to it, and a "history is awesome" ethic. But let's talk about the cast. No flick in recent memory has had more comedy heavyweights, and the sheer amount of laugh muscle here becomes a weakness, as so much of it seems squandered and misspent. Besides stars Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson, there's Ricky Gervais, Hank Azaria, Bill Hader, Steve Coogan, Christopher Guest and Robin Williams. That's a lot of ha-ha. But it's crowded, and that much talent in one place has a diluting effect. Logan loved it, and liked it. I give it a nine out of ten, and will probably get it on DVD... but there better be a lot of making of clips and a kick-ass commentary.

British playwright and novelist Oscar Wilde is convicted of "committing acts of gross indecency with other male persons," to wit: fucking some rent boys. For his crime, Wilde is sentenced to two years of hard labor in Reading jail.
John T. Scopes is indicted by a grand jury for violating Tennessee's anti-evolution statute, which he claimed to have broken by teaching Darwin's theory of natural selection in a Dayton high school. Later, on July 10th, the "Scopes Monkey Trial" begins.
Immediately after flight 191 takes off from Chicago's O'Hare Airport, engine number one tears loose from its wing and falls off. A few seconds later, the DC-10 rolls onto its left side and impacts the ground. All 271 aboard the plane are killed in the explosion, along with two bystanders.
Televangelist Oral Roberts senses an "overwhelming holy presence" and hallucinates a 900-foot-tall Jesus Christ. The deity reaches down and picks up a 60-story hospital, bragging to the Oklahoman preacher: "See how easy it is for Me to lift it!"
11,000 people are killed in Bangladesh when a cyclone hits the Bay of Bengal. A 10-to-15 foot wall of water surges over the Ganges delta, devastating a wide area and drowning half a million cattle.
The body of Bradley Nowell is discovered in his room at San Francisco's Ocean View Motel. Nowell, lead singer for radio trio Sublime, was killed by an accidental smack overdose.
Enron CEO Kenneth Lay is found guilty on six counts of conspiracy.

Our guest today is a is an American singer-songwriter whose album "Apples and Oranges" is fantastic. Please welcome to the Phile... Stacy Clark.

Me: Hello, Stacy, welcome to the Phile. So, how are you? 

Stacy: I have a bit of a cold right now, but other then that I am doing great.

Me: Did anybody ever tell you you look like Zooey Deschanel? 

Stacy: Yes. Which is a huge compliment. I am a fan of her acting, her band she & him and her fiance. HEHEE...

Me: I have to say I love your CD "Apples and Oranges". Where was it recorded and was it fun to make? 

Stacy: I recorded it in L.A. at Zenseven Studios. It was a lot of fun to make. A lot of work, emotion and thought went into it.

Me: You wrote all the songs on it, right? 

Stacy: Yes. I am big on writing the lyrics, chords and singing the melodys to my music. I think my songwriting is stronger then my singing.

Me: Stacy, I know you live in Orange County, California, but you're not from there originally, are you? 

Stacy: I am from Buffalo, NY originally.

Me: When did you move out there? 

Stacy: 2004.

Me: Do you go to Disneyland a lot? 

Stacy: Ha, I did have a season pass a while back but have only been a few times. Since there is no real weather here I like to go at all the different seasons - Halloween, Christmas and such so it feels like the holiday. It is great fun.

Me: Being from Orange County, you must be fans of No Doubt and Social Distortion. 

Stacy: Absolutely, I really appreciate and love No Doubt, R.E.M., & The Righteous Brothers.

Me: I read that your music is in a lot of TV shows such as "The Hills" and "Girlfriends". Do you find that cool when you watch those shows?

Stacy: Its always exciting hearing something you created being used. Its kind of funny, I actually started watching those shows because of that reason and ironically met LC (at the HFH event) and Heidi from the Hills, whom where both very nice.

Me: I must say, well done working with Habitat For Humanity. That is something I would never do, just because I am way too lazy. Was it fun, or just hard work? 

Stacy: I think its a little bit of both. I learned a lot of handy tool tricks like removing a nail. I almost threw my back out until this awesome man showed me how to use a wooden block to leverage the hammer to get the nail out. Things that are rewarding usually involved some degree of hard work. To think one day out of a year of my time is going to help build a home for someone in need is a no brainer. It was a great experience that I think everyone should get involved with.

Me: How did you get involved with them? Through a friend. You can get involved here:

Me: Have you ever done any late night shows yet, Stacy? 

Stacy: I wish! Someday (fingers crossed!)

Me: I know you met Conan. How was that? 

Stacy: That was the most unexpected, random thing that has happened to me yet. It was one of those 'at the right place at the right time moments' in my life.

Me: Was he cool? 

Stacy: He is really cool and hilarious. My friends and I where selected for filming for part of his 'Late Night Show' takeover. He was the host of the back lot tour at Universal Studios. It was the best tour I ever had. There was a part we kept driving the tram in circles, which was fun-- but then I thought I was going to get sick. It was awesome. I mean how many people can say they took a tram ride at Universal and was hosted by Conan? Not to mention he took us police escorted off the lot driving down Lankershim and stopped at a .99 cents store to buy everyone something. It was amazing. Its funny how something so small or random can make you smile. My cheeks where hurting from smiling that day and I can smile just thinking about how random that was. You should tune into his show starting June 1st. Its going to be hilarious. After the 2 hour tour, he let everyone (500 people where on the tram) get photos with him. There are many people that are disappointing after meeting them, however I can honestly say he is not one of them.

Me: Are you a fan of The Bird and the Bee? 

Stacy: Yes. I love there music. Inara has the most beautiful voice and Greg's production is genius. They are as great live as on the CD.

Me: You have done a few shows with them. Do you two get along? 

Stacy: As a correction- I actually only opened for them once. Yes I do get along with them. They are lovely, unique people. Even there sound engineer Chris is nice.

Me: Tell the Phile readers about your charity, if that's what it is, called Music Saves Lives. Did you start it, or are you the spokeswoman? 

Stacy: MSL is a nonprofit that helps flight cancer and other blood related illnesses. Back in 2006, I helped start it with Russ. Currently, I am the spokesperson and my advertising company that I co-own with my friend Chelsea - hence Chelstay Advertising, donates a lot of design and marketing to the program. I am pretty attached to the program because I was a recipient of a blood transfusion in 1998. I had an immunity disorder I.T.P. that almost took my life. I think its really important to get involved in things that can truly make a difference like HFH or MSL. These are programs where you can see the result of your work, and although you can donate money programs like these thrive most on your involvement. You can go to to see how you can participate. We have a lot of blood donation centers that will need volunteers and donors this spring/summer.

Me: So, what can we look forward to next from you, Stacy? Shows in Florida, I hope. 

Stacy: I am doing a lot of pre-production and will be recording a new album starting June. I am really excited to get some new material out. I actually just played a show in Tampa in April. As of now the focus is on a new album, then tour tour tour.

Me: Stacy, I love your music, and I wish you a lot of luck. Want to plug your website? Take care, and I hope to talk to you again soon. 

Stacy: Thank you, I really appreciate your (& any) support. My website is If you like what you hear please add your email to my mailing list so I can keep you posted with any upcoming show info. Also you can add me on twitter, facebook or myspace (/stacyclark). phew! I think that covers everything. Thanks again!


There you have it, another entry of the Phile, kids. The Phile will be back on Friday with the last of the Artists for Artist Month. It's Nate Piekos, and then on Monday the Phile will be back with another interview. Thanks to Stacy Clark, Wikipedia and Jimmy Fallon for his monologue, this entry. Have a safe Memorial Day and take care. Spread the word, not the turd, and remember autism is reversible. 

Friday, May 22, 2009

Pheaturing Craig Holloway


Hi, welcome to the Peverett Phile, the web's most updated blog on the internet, and proud sponsor of and autism can be reversed. Man, here in Central Florida we've been getting so much rain, Shamu could swim out of his tank. There is so much rain the next NASCAR race in Daytona will be with submarines. There's so much rain the only characters at Disney are Nemo, Flounder and Sebastian. There's so much rain our pool is filled up with worms. There was an earthquake in Los Angeles last Sunday. It only did minor damage — Lindsay Lohan was knocked back into lesbianism. The government in China shut down a sex theme park before it even opened. It was designed to teach Chinese people about sex. Do we really need to teach the world's most overpopulated country about sex? They know!
I like the idea of a sex theme park, though. Instead of the Tea Cups, there could be the D-Cups. Scientists say they have found the missing link. The link between man and monkey. It's a little monkey. It lived on mostly twigs and berries — which makes it the direct ancestor of today's supermodel. Scientists have determined that the monkey fossil is 47 million years old. It was verified today by Larry King who was married to the monkey. Michael Vick was released from prison. Just to be safe, Scooby Doo has moved to Canada. Did you see the "American Idol" finale? More people vote for "American Idol" than in the presidential election. That's not true. But maybe to get more people involved in politics, we should have the candidates sign their positions. They could have a sing-off. "American Idol" was the second-lowest-rated "Idol" finale ever. Something like only 9 billion people watched. If they want higher ratings, all they have to do is name the American Idol, then throw the old one in a volcano. Who wouldn't watch that? Former Vice President Dick Cheney's been in the news a lot, attacking Obama. For eight years, he never said two words, now he's like Regis. He's making so many speeches lately, I'm starting to think he's not dead. It was revealed that the richest people in the world held a private meeting. People like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Oprah Winfrey got together to talk about whatever rich people talk about: "Aren't poor people bastards? They can't afford jets!" I think they were trying to make sure the recession doesn't affect the money they give to charity. I wonder what they did after their meeting. They probably went sightseeing in New York, looking at all the landmarks... buying them... If you want a secret meeting, is Manhattan really the place to go? It's full of reporters, bloggers, hobos... hobos who used to be stock brokers... I have to say, if there's an upside to the recession, at least some of those bastards are getting it in the neck. We're all broke, but at least the stock brokers are broke too. It's still Artist Month on the Phile, and today's guest is Craig Holloway. But first...


Top Ten Surprises In The New Star Trek Movie 
10. It's now the Starbucks Enterprise.
9. Spock discovers other pointy body parts.
8. Local starship dealership declared bankruptcy.
7. Donald Trump makes cameo with a Tribble on his head.
6. Spock's ears can pick up old Howard Stern radio shows.
5. Chief Security Officer? Paul Blart, Star Cop.
4. Enterprise's flight plans now arranged through Priceline.
3. Entire Starfleet 401k wiped out by Madoff.
2. Role of Scotty played by Susan Boyle.
And the number one surprise in the new Star Trek movie...
1. William Shatner makes cameo appearance as Jupiter.


Emperor Constantine dies. Although quite dead, his embalmed corpse continues to act as head of state, receving state dignitaries and daily reports from ministers as if nothing had changed. Constantine's macabre leadership continues through winter.
Hail the size of pumpkins falls on Bangalore, India.
Former Secretary of Defense James Forrestal falls out of a 16th floor window at Bethesda Naval Hospital with a bathrobe cord knotted tightly around his neck. The death is ruled a suicide, and Forrestal is buried in Arlington Cemetery.
400 people attend the Bar Mitzvah for Bob Dylan (Robert Allen Zimmerman) in Hibbing, Minnesota. He later converts to Christianity in 1979.
A B-36 bomber accidentally drops a 10 megaton hydrogen bomb over an uninhabited area near Albuquerque, New Mexico. The conventional charges detonate on impact, leaving a radioactive crater 12 feet deep and 25 feet wide.
322 Belgians are killed when fire sweeps through the second-largest department store in Brussels. Many of the victims leaped to their deaths, although most who landed on parked cars survive. The store, L'Innovation, had been having a sale on American goods.
The nuclear submarine U.S.S. Scorpion sinks to the bottom with all 99 aboard perishing, after it is reassigned to a spy mission and begins to head towards the Canary Islands. Navy Warrant Officer John Walker (a mole) had certainly reported enough to the KGB to allow them to read the Scorpion's encrypted transmissions. For reasons yet unknown, Navy officials of the U.S. and Soviet Union agree not to discuss the circumstances of this incident or the sinking of a Soviet sub the same year.
Peter Sutcliffe is convicted of murdering 13 women in the Yorkshire Ripper trial. In the words of the presiding judge: "It is difficult to find words that are adequate in my judgment to describe the brutality and gravity of these offences and I say at once I am not going to pause to seek those words. I am prepared to let the catalogue of crimes speak for itself."


Today's guest is a very talented artist who does posters, CD covers, flyers and logos, and who will work for vinyl. Vinyl what I don't know. Anyway, please welcome to the Phile... Craig Holloway.

Me: Hello, Craig, welcome to Artist Month on the Phile. So, how are you? 

Craig: I'm doing great thanks.

Me: You live in Detroit, right? Is that where you went to University? Did you study art?

Craig: I now reside in Texas. I went Wayne State University while I lived in Detroit. I moved to California right after I graduated in 95. I got a BA in liberal arts. Their Fine arts program was strong but their illustration program was inferior to the classes I took in high school.

Me: Your drawings are very detailed and colorful as a whole, Craig. What tools do you use? It looks like you use spray paint a lot. I like using Sharpies myself.

Craig: I draw everything out on paper with a pencil and then I render it using photoshop on the computer.

Me: A lot of your drawings are violent in nature, such as Colonel Sanders covered in blood and Ronald Reagan's head exploding... do you ever draw 'nice' pictures?

Craig: Occasionally if I have to. LOL. I grew up watching the Saturday monster matinees hosted by a guy named Sir Graves Ghastly. During the middle of the feature he would stop and show some of the fan art he received. I loved monsters so I would spend all my time drawing them too. Sometimes I'd get stumped and ask my mom for a suggestion on what to draw but instead of getting a flower she'd get the The Abominable Dr. Phibes. It became natural that everything I worked on had eerie qualities. I had a writer I worked with at an ad agency tell me "You can make an apple look scary". That kind of opened my eyes because it was unintentional. It actually became a struggle to make things look pleasant.

Me: You also do a lot of album covers such as the new Agnostic Front cover. When did you first started doing band covers, Craig? And is the AF album cover your biggest one yet as far as exposure?

Craig: About 2 years ago when my wife introduced me to Myspace. Yes, they are the biggest. My life revolved around that band since I was 16. I will be 40 in december. I was fortunate enough to meet them at one of their shows in Detroit back in the mid 80's when they were on tour supporting Cause for Alarm. I was outside the club passing out a flyer I drew promoting my bands first show. Freddy Madball, who was 12 at the time, showed it to Stigma. Vinnie told me I should draw for AF and gave me his home address. I was so stoked I can even remember the address on Mott street. I spent hours drawing on the outside of the envelope. I never heard back so I was pretty disappointed. But fast forward a couple of decades I get a call from Roger and he offers me the opportunity of a lifetime. I get to host them now when they come through town. Great guys and Vinnie still has his same address on Mott St.

Me: All your bands you do cover work for has been heavy metal bands, right?

Craig: No. Generally bands with music I like in addition to heavy metal I‘ve worked with Punk, Hardcore, Hardcore Rap, I’m open to just about any opportunity but prefer the metal, punk and hardcore stuff. I get a rush working with bands I have admiration for.

Me: Any chance you'll be doing an album cover for a country act soon?

Craig: I did a t-shirt design for my friends band called Hogwash. Sure. It’s going to have a lot of attitude though. Unless it is a big band and I can get some exposure I will probably stay within the confides of the stuff I like to listen to.

Me: As well as an artist, you also play bass, right? Are you currently in a band now?

Craig: I’m in a mid 80’s influenced punk band called the Adrenaline Pigs. We have a show coming up with The Meatmen in May and I’m really excited about drawing up that poster. Let’s just say we will finally get to find out who shot JR.

Me: A lot of your work has guys with tattoos... do you have any yourself and have you ever done tattoo designs?

Craig: I think tattoos are cool. My wife loves tattoos. Sadly I don’t have any. I’ve given a tattoo to a friend with a Spaudling and Rogers kit I purchased in the early 90’s but I didn’t know how to do it. It’s kind of difficult to practice tattooing, especially when you live at home and you dad threatens to kick you out of the house if you ever get one. I was in a band called Cold As Life at the time and I started to notice that everytime we got together to rehearse someone in the band was sporting new ink. I mean getting neck pieces in ‘91/’92 was hardcore at the time. Still is. Don’t get me wrong that’s major devotion. Well since I was the flyer dude they kept nagging me to do tattoos so I gave in and bought a set up for around $500. A friend of the band named Dougie Thoms kept bugging me to tattoo him. Anyone who knows Dougie knows the guy has the gift of gab. He comes over when my dad is out of town on a business trip and we start drilling into his leg. I mean straight out of the box and into his thigh. My apologies to all tattoo artists but there was no learning curve. He was so gung ho and I just wanted him to stop nagging me. I kid you not I asked him what he wanted and he said “just draw something cool”. I spent 12 minutes drawing a skull with a helmet about the size of a softball. He was reading me the How To book that came with kit. Talk about Beavis and Butthead. I felt terrible and guilty and I wanted to stop but he was eager and willing. Keep in mind he had dozens of pieces already so I grinded away. Blood was everywhere. I remember doing the outline and wiping away the blood just to find his leg. I was doing the outline of the jaw and realized that oh no... “this skull is gonna need a chin strap” because one side was higher than the other and there was no way they were gonna connect. I was bummed but he was pleased but I stood my ground and told him there was no way I was gonna do the shading and I ended up selling the kit to a friend who became a successful tattoo artist. I saw Dougie about a year ago at a Negative Approach show in Detroit. He showed me the tattoo and it looked pretty good. Still no shading though. The reason I don’t have any is because I would want to design it and being my own worst critic I have a tendency to over examine my work when it’s complete. I’m sure I would drive myself crazy. Maybe I will get something my kids have drawn tattooed on me. They’re 5 year old twins now and already drawing monsters.

Me: Your day job is cool, Craig. Tell the readers what you do for a living?

Craig: I’m a concept illustrator. I draw storyboards for advertising agencies. They hire me to draw out commercials before they are filmed so they can present the concept to the client. Imagine a Sunday comic strip where there are a bunch of illustrations telling a story. I get a lot practice drawing everyday. It’s refreshing and challenging because you are asked to draw a variety of things to help communicate an idea. So one day I can be working on a BMW car spot and the following day I can be designing new Burger King happy meal toys or Geico ads.

Me: I work for Disney, and know you have done storyboards for Disney commercials. What is the latest one you have done?

Craig: I haven’t done too much lately. Most of my Disney work was designing souvenirs that kids could purchase at the Disney On Ice shows. Whatever movie was current would often be the theme and I was asked to design toys that primarily lit up like flashlights. I do remember having a job at the Burbank office drawing a storyboard for the Disney light parade. It didn’t go so well. My kids looked like the kids from that cartoon strip Family Circus except all cracked out. They looked like they just emerged from a week long meth binge. Needless to say I was asked to hit the road and they had my coworker redraw the faces. Kids and pleasant things are my kryptonite. I didn’t blame them they were right they were scary as hell. Believe me I tried it was a humbling failure. But I did get paid. Fortunately having kids of you own has helped me to get better at drawing children. I’m in charge of all the birthday party invites.

Me: Do the boys at Disney know what your other projects look like?

Craig: LOL. They don't really like pictures of zombies, y'know. Just you. ssssshhhhh.

Me: What other companies have you done commercial storyboards for?

Craig: Name it I’ve worked on it at one time or another. It’s kind of hard to explain what I do to the family because a commercial will come on the TV and I’ll say I worked on this spot and they’ll look at it and go but there’s no artwork. They seem pretty impressed with the fact I help design cheetos bags. My sister in law always introduces me as that guy and if she really wants to impress them she’ll add” he also worked on an ad for irritable bowel syndrome”. On one occasion I was asked to come in and help redesign the beginning intro to the Rosanne Barr talk show. It was short lived show that was on for maybe 2 seasons. That was the show where she would pretend to rock out with the house band and have dialog with the audience and answer questions on air from fans.Well for the second season they wanted to make some changes and have Rosanne appear as an animated bee in the beginning. My job was to draw her as this bee. I was told to make it simple and cute. Oh boy are you serious I thought to myself? I’ll try my best. A week later I was hired back to continue the job after they presented my illustrations to Rosanne and her cohorts. The Art Director tells me “we got some feed back here watch this”. He popped in a vhs tape of actual show footage and it’s Rosanne holding up my drawings of her as the bee asking her studio audience what they thought of her as the bee. I couldn’t believe it. I thought oh no this going to be brutal. But to my surprise they liked it including Rosanne, but she said it ought to have a little more attitude... Whew I thought unscathed. Sadly the show was cancelled shortly after HaHa. Sorry to all you Rosanne fans! I did share that footage with my mom who was a big fan of the Rosanne show back in the day.

Me: Okay, Craig, do you have a website? Go ahead and plug it. You also sell t-shirts, right?

Craig: Right now it’s I would like to make shirts and posters available in the near future.

Me: If a reader of the Phile wants to get into the art business like you, what do you suggest they do? What kinda stuff should they stick in their portfolio?

Craig: Practice. Draw all the time. Work on the stuff you hate to draw. It’s obvious you can draw the stuff that appeals to you. Now work on the difficult stuff. Continue drawing people, visit the zoo with the sketch pad etc. This is what you’ll hear from most professors. I never did any of this. I was the guy who sat in the back of the room daydreaming while I drew my teachers on my trapper keeper. My report cards always were “needs to improve” when it came to behavior. Who knew that I was developing a career as they told me I wasn’t going to succeed. Hell I could of dropped out in Jr high if I knew then what I know now. Degree what a waste. I’m just a wrist. Get good at and try to get better. There’s always someone out there who’s better. Just ape their style and make it your own. Just kidding kids stay in school and say no to drugs.

Me: Finally, Craig, I hope this was fun, and let me know what your next big project will be.

Craig: Thanks again. This was fun. As you can tell by my answers I did a lot of my daydreaming during my English courses. I ain’t no writer. My next big project is the one that’s on my drawing table at the moment. You’re only as good a your latest work. I try and approach it with as much enthusiasm as possible and try new things. Each piece is a learning process. I try to challenge myself. They’re not always as successful as the image I have in my head but it’s fun to explore. So right now my biggest project is the CRO MAGS Jam European Tour poster. Hopefully I will get some copies I can make available through my myspace website.


That was a very cool interview. Thanks to Craig for being on the Phile. The next Phile entry will be posted on Monday with cute little singer Stacy Clark. In the meantime check out,0,2614781.story for a really cool article on where I work at Disney, and also bands, artists, singers, phriends, phans, my sister Leila is a travel agent so if you need travel plans made e-mail her at and tell her the Phile or her brother Jason sent you. Alright, I think that's about it. Thanks for reading, and have a safe Memorial Day weekend. I am getting a really bad headache so I am glad I am done with this entry. Until Monday... spread the word, not the turd.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Pheaturing Jennifer Newberry


Hello, welcome to a Monday edition of the Phile, coming to you from rainy Clermont. Yes, I am doing it in the rain. So, did you see the finale of "Survivor" last night? I was watching it when the power went out 'cause of our storm. I just hop the DVR recorded it, and I really hope that Coach didn't win. Okay, I didn't plan a monologue today so here's the monologue ripped off from Jimmy Fallon's show. President Obama fired our top military commander in Afghanistan. It was a tough call to fire him, but in the end, he hired Joan Rivers. Shirley Jones, the 75-year-old actress from the "Partridge Family," may pose nude for Playboy. She said after 50 years in the business, she's ready to let it all hang down. A 12-year-old boy in Iran is officially running for president. They say it's the craziest thing to happen in Iran since a woman drove a car. Officials say the economy is affecting the cocaine market. It's not only affecting the cocaine industry, it's trickling down... today, Obama asked for a bailout of the tiny spoon industry. The New York State Assembly passed a bill approving same-sex marriage. It goes to the state Senate where it will likely face a closer vote. In other words, the bill could go both ways. An Amish teenager in Upstate New York was ticketed for having beer in his horse-drawn buggy. I don't see what the big deal is — it's not like he was riding around with light bulbs. A Canadian scientist was arrested for smuggling vials of Ebola into the U.S. This wouldn't happen if we'd just legalize Ebola. Barack Obama has announced that his administration will not release photos of prisoners being abused. It's not because they don't want to, it's because they don't have the password to Dick Cheney's camera phone. One more thing... speaking of Barack, did you see the picture of him when he did his last speech? Guess he has Star Trek fever, and why shouldn't he? Take a look at this:

"I prophesy in the name of the Lord God of Israel, unless the United States redress the wrongs committed upon the Saints in the state of Missouri and punish the crimes committed by her officers that in a few years the government will be utterly overthrown and wasted, and there will not be so much as a potsherd left." -- Joseph Smith, prophet of God and founder of the Mormon church.
In Paris, 12 nations ratify the International Agreement for the Suppression of the White Slave Trade. Another 48 countries and territories follow suit over the next six years. Conspicuously absent from the list of signatories is the United States of America.
Tokyo gangster Kichizo Ishida is accidentally strangled by his mistress during a session of rough sex. Ishida had been a "gasper," someone who enjoys the sexual effects of asphyxiation. The woman, Sada Abe, indulged him by wrapping her pink kimono belt around his neck. After her lover's death, Abe cuts off Ishida's penis and scrotum with a meat cleaver and carries them around until she is finally arrested, three days later.
The body of Ian Curtis, lead singer of dirge band Joy Division, is discovered hanging in the kitchen by his wife. Curtis killed himself on the eve of Joy Division's U.S. tour. His surviving bandmates go on to form New Order.
After a 5.1 magnitude earthquake in Washington state, 57 people are killed in an avalanche of volcanic mud in the eruption of Mount St. Helens. The volcano spews out 200 million cubic yards of of pumice, ash, and debris which covers 24 square miles of the valley below.

Nikki Finke over at Deadline Hollywood has once again come through on yet another Marvel casting scoop; this time it would appear as if actor Chris Hemsworth who played Kirk's father in the opening scenes of Star Trek has been cast as Thor in Marvel's big-budgeted, live-action film due out in theaters on May 20, 2011. Kenneth Branagh is set to direct, with production currently scheduled to begin early next year. Hemsworth is a bit of a departure from the big, familiar names Marvel has been using to populate its superhero films but he's a solid choice; a bright, young pretty face who, like Chris Pine, seems destined to break out in the next year. Not only did he land a pretty sweet role in Trek, but he's currently shooting the horror flick The Cabin in the Woods (written by Joss Whedon, directed by Cloverfield's Drew Goddard), was just cast in the Red Dawn remake and starred on the popular Aussie show "Home and Away". Hemsworth joins a production that doesn't have anyone cast as of yet, and since they're going with a relative unknown in the lead role, look for Marvel and Branagh to stick some known faces around him (Josh Hartnett has been rumored to be up for the part of villain). What do you think of Hemsworth? Is Marvel taking a risk by casting an unknown in the lead role, or is this the best way to go when it comes to Thor, the Viking God of thunder?

Alright, now for our guest today. She's a talented singer who just started her tour a few days ago. She has a really cool EP out on iTunes and is currently working on her new album. Not only that but she's hot as well. Please welcome to the Phile... Jennifer Newberry.

Me: Hello, Jennifer, welcome to the Phile. How are you?

Jennifer: Thank you, I’m doing really well!

Me: Where were you born, Jen, and where do you live now? Your mother is Swedish, right? Did you spend a lot of time in Sweden?

Jennifer: I was born in Ozark Alabama. But we only lived there for 3 months. My father was in the military so we moved around. We moved from Alabama to Georgia to California to Germany and then to Sweden. I was only 3 years old when I arrived in Sweden with my mother and brother. I grew up in my mother’s hometown of Sundsvall but I moved back to the states September 2002. I lived in Seattle for a year and then I moved to New York but now I’m back in Seattle.

Me: Are you known over there?

Jennifer:  I think people know who I am in my hometown but also people in the music business. I have worked with a lot of producers in Sweden.

Me: You live in Seattle now... you must really like the rain.

Jennifer: Yes, I live in Seattle right now. I don’t like the rain that much but the summers here are beautiful and I love the water!

Me: I watched your videos, Jen, and like them. Tell me about them, where they were made and do they take long to shoot?

Jennifer: Mostly they are all filmed in Seattle at my house but there are a few video that were filmed in New York and Sweden. Sometimes it can take a whole day to record the video because I want them to be perfect.

Me: In two of your videos you are laying down. Was that the director's idea or yours?

Jennifer: It was my idea and I directed the videos and filmed them myself.

Me: Your band is called 4More, right? Tell the readers who is in the band with you?

Jennifer: 4More is a cover band that I’m in. But I also do my solo thing. The members of 4More is Robert Lovy, he started the band, plays the piano, sings and handles the mixing of the sound. Then there’s Jeff Powell, he plays the guitar and sings. The last but not least is Rig 7, the drummer. I’m the lead vocalist.

Me: Jen, when you are not performing, what do you do for fun?

Jennifer: I like to play soccer, record in the studio and write songs. I like being out and about. Play pool, snowboard and go to the movies. Normal stuff. In the summer I really like to be on the water.

Me: Who is Melodie MC? Is she a friend of yours?

Jennifer: Melodie MC is a he and he lives in Sundsvall, Sweden, my hometown. He was a well known rapper in Sweden in the late 90s and he was featured on my single “Jump To The Beat” that was released in 1999. He is a friend of mine.

Me: You have four songs on iTunes, which I downloaded... are you doing a full length album?

Jennifer: Yes I’m workin g on a new album right now. It’s going to be called “Inspiration From The Rain” and it’s going to be a full-length album. The plan is to have it released sometime later this year.

Me: You do a lot of shows in Washington, but any chance you are going on tour and will play Florida? Do you sing all originals in concert or do covers as well?

Jennifer: The cover band that I play with is all covers but sometimes I throw in original songs as well. But I’m starting a band where I’m going to be playing my songs. All my shows are in WA state right now but maybe in the future I'll come to Florida as well!

Me: I love your song "Daddy". Is that about your dad? What does he think of it?

Jennifer: Yes, that song is about my father. I think it made him a little sad. But he loves that song and is very proud of me!

Me: Okay, mention any websites or anything else you wanna plug, Jen. And I hope when your CD comes out I can interview you again. Take care.

Jennifer: Please visit my myspace @ for information like when I’m performing or just to listen to my new songs. You can also find me here:, and
Right now I’m letting people download some of my new songs just go to log in as: jennifernewberrydownload password: jennifernewberrymusic.


Man, where on the internet can't you find info on Jennifer. Anyway, thanks to her, Wikipedia and Jimmy Fallon for a great blog. Don;t forget to check out the websites the Phile sponsors... and as well as Jennifer's hundreds of pages on the web. The Phile will be back on Friday where we continue Artist Month with Craig Hollow. So, until then, spread the word, not the turd.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Pheaturing Fierce Comics


Hey, kids, welcome to the Peverett Phile... proud sponsor of and It was a sad week here at Disney... the Virgin Megastore closed down. Also, the House of Blues is now down to one Blue. The House of Blue. And La Nouba is now down to just one juggler. During the Miss USA pageant, Miss California was asked a question about gay marriage by Perez Hilton. At a press conference, Donald Trump said he thought Perez was "engaging in self promotion." Trump accusing someone else of self promotion!?!? That's like the Octo-Mom accusing someone of having too many kids. Trump had to decide whether she would keep her crown after topless photos turned up. He said it was his judgment that Miss California could keep her crown. Trump would never tell someone to remove a useless piece of rubbish from their head... why would he? President Obama hosted a poetry slam at the White House. These can get out of control. Apparently somebody got up on stage and rambled on and on, and didn't make any sense... when Joe Biden was done, they started the poetry. It was groundbreaking to have a poetry slam there. It's never happened before. I think Dick Cheney once held a torture slam. "There once was a man from Nantucket. I put his head in a bucket."
The three remaining contestants on "American Idol" competed twice to see who would win. Danny Goki was not chosen. Now I have to take the Goki posters over my bed down.  It was a good episode of "American Idol", even though I didn't make any money of it this week. To raise money for California, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger says he's willing to sell some aging landmarks, like San Quentin Prison. So far, the only bid has come from Dick Cheney. He wants to use it as a vacation home. John McCain's mother was on TV saying that she doesn't like Rush Limbaugh. Here's my question: John McCain's mother is still alive!? And finally... A Canadian scientist was arrested for smuggling vials of Ebola into the U.S. This wouldn't happen if we'd just legalize Ebola. Well, it's Artist Month still and today I have an interview with four gentlemen from Fierce Comics based in Tampa. But first...


Top Ten Little-Known Symptoms of the Swine Flu
10. Appearance resembles a pig with lipstick.
9. You cry uncontrollably at the "Other White Meat" commercials.
8. Irresistible craving for truffles.
7. You only want to see movies with Kevin Bacon.
6. You get nauseated whenever you see a football.
5. An unexplainable attraction to Susan Boyle.
4. Impure thoughts about Miss Piggy.
3. Uncontrollable urge to date Madonna.
2. A strong desire to watch "The View".
And the number one little-known symptom of the Swine Flu...
1. Tender-loins.

Star Trek
A time-traveling Romulan (Eric Bana) with a venge-on for Spock (Zachary Quinto) forever alters the known history of the Star Trek universe when he destroys a vessel captained by the father of newborn James T. Kirk (Chris Pine). Twenty-five years later, his next act as retribution-seeking A-hole precipitates the maiden voyage of the U.S.S. Enterprise, for which Kirk consequently never became captain. What I liked about it is... all of it. Whether you think "Star Trek" is gay and stupid or you're a Trekkie currently being administered a wedgie by the former, you can forget what you know about the franchise. Abrams envisions a Trek that's cool, not kitschy, opening with-and maintaining throughout-a burning intensity previously absent from the series, while preserving the principles and characterizations that first seduced pudgy, hyperhidrotic social mutants decades ago. Pine and Quinto are nails as nemeses Kirk and Spock, selling, along with the rest of the cast, an adventure that's as much action as it is academic; that's complex, but easy to follow; and that's comic without being campy. Finally, a Star Trek movie that does the laughing at itself! The only bad part will be the cackling gaggle of giddy line campers in Starfleet uniforms flanking you on all sides opening weekend. You might want to save this for a mid-week matinee. From 1 to 10, I give it a ten. Will I get it on DVD?What do you think?

Chuck Daly: Might as well now.

The Soviet Union launches Sputnik IV, a three-ton spacecraft containing a "dummy cosmonaut." The mission goes fine until they attempt to retrofire. A bug in the guidance system had pointed the capsule in the wrong direction, so instead of dropping into the atmosphere the satellite moves into a higher orbit.
Hoping to gain everlasting infamy, Arthur Bremer pumps five bullets into Democratic presidential candidate George Wallace during a campaign stop in Laurel, Maryland. In his haste, the gunman forgets to yell his carefully-chosen catchphrase, "Penny for your thoughts!" And when Wallace survives the assassination attempt, albeit confined to a wheelchair, Bremer's name is soon forgotten.
Three Arab gunmen disguised as Israeli soldiers seize control of the schoolhouse at Ma'alot. Taken hostage are more than 100 teenaged students and their teachers. The captors, members of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, demand the release of 26 political prisoners. Israeli commandos storm the school only 15 minutes before the deadline; 18 children are killed in the firefight.
Graduate student John Hauser loses most of his right hand in a UC Berkeley computer room when he opens an innocent-looking box attached to a looseleaf binder. It is the second device left in this building from the Unabomber. In fact, the engineering professor who applies the tourniquet to Hauser's arm was the victim in the previous attack, three years prior.
Alan Cooper stands trial in England for "committing a lewd, obscene, and disgusting act on the 12-foot dolphin called Freddie as they frolicked for 20 minutes off the harbor mouth at Amble, Northumberland." Cooper responds by claiming that his accuser was a sworn enemy and had trained dolphins for a movie to jump out of the water and tear off a woman's bikini bra. He is eventually acquitted of masturbating the cetacean.
Federal prosecutors in the Unabomber trial file the necessary paperwork requesting the death penalty for Ted Kaczynski.

Okay, this is really cool. Not only do I have an interview with one artist, but three, plus the founder and creator of a really cool comic book company based in Tampa, who I met at MegaCon. Comic book fans, please welcome Scott Reed, Karsten Klintzsch, Rob Rhine and Ben Filipiak from...

Me: Scott, I love your work, sir. How long have you been drawing and where did you study art?

Scott: I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil. I'm a graduate of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh.

Me: Growing up, who was your favorite super hero?

Scott: My older brother and I were crazy about Batman and Robin. I think my very first exposure to super heroes were the old Mego toys from the early 1970's, and we only wanted the Batman and Robin figures, as I recall it. Very rarely we would get a glimpse of the old Batman tv series, which was like a religious experience if that happened since this was before cable. I
think it was only aired once in a while, late at night or when the network was desperate to fill some spot.

Me: You worked on some really big icon books over the years... "Star Trek", "GI Joe", "Godzilla". Which one was your favorite to do?

Scott: I worked as an inker in those days, and it was just sort of a job to me back then. I didn't have a strong preference of which book I was assigned to as long as I had the work. "Star Trek:DS9" was pretty cool, though. I love "Star Trek", so it was great being involved in the franchise in some small way.

Me: Is there a comic book series you would love to work on?

Scott: I'd like to get a crack at writing Conan someday.

Me: You drew for Malibu, and Marvel, right? Any plans on drawing for DC?

Scott: No, I was an inker for Malibu and through them, had a couple of inking gigs at Marvel shortly after Malibu was bought up by Marvel. Back then, I didn't really have the chops for penciling, and I didn't have the time to develop it because I was so busy inking. I don't have any plans to work for DC, but who knows what the future holds.

Me: Who is your favorite comic book artist of all time? Mine is Alan Davis
and Jim Baikie.

Scott: Good choices. Davis has such a sleekness to his work. I tend to go back to the source material more. I believe Davis is a student of Neal Adams work, and I can look at Neal Adams stuff all day. I would have to say my favorites are Jack Kirby and John Buscema. I love every single thing John Buscema ever touched, he was just such a master of the human form and had a perfect combination of grace and power to his lines. I love Jack Kirby, but Kirby was ALL power and no subtlety, and I think John Buscema had a perfect combination.

Me: Tell the readers of the Phile about "The Overman" and "High Strangeness", two books you worked on. What are the premise of both of them?

Scott: "High Strangeness" is an essay on U.F.O's, with a hypothetical scenario of what might happen if we did learn 'the truth' but couldn't understand it and didn't really have the frame of mind to deal with it. The second half of the book is an illustrated history of U.F.O's, which I
self-published online as a web comic in 2002, and later collected the work in print. "The Overman" is a science-fiction story about one man's attempt to stop a union between Mankind and machine, and ultimately failing. Shane White illustrated the whole thing, and we collaborated on this project on and off for 20 years before finally getting it right. You can preview it at The collected edition trade paperback is in stores
this month.

Me: Is there anything new you are working on now, Scott?

Scott: I have a big, big project that I'm hoping to have completed later this year or early 2010, called "Champion Of A Lost Universe". It began as a weekly web comic in 2006, but I'm repositioning it as a 150-page graphic novel, and you can watch my progress over at as I complete it. I've devoted the whole site to a weekly production blog, so you can find glimpses of the work-in-progress there, hopefully enough to build up some interest. I expect to shop it around to publishers in the next few months.

Me: What do you like to do better, graphic art or drawing comics?

Scott: I design websites and logos for a living when I'm not dabbling in this comic book stuff. I enjoy doing that work quite a lot, and frankly it's easier and pays far better than comics. You can see much of that work at

Me: Hello, Karsten. I would say hello in German but I don't know how. Anyway, welcome to the Phile.

Karsten: Hello, Jason, and hello in German is easy, just "Hallo".

Me: Where in Germany do you live, sir?
Karsten: I live in the capital city, Berlin.

Me: Did you grow up with American comics while living in Germany? What was
your favorite comic book you grew up reading.

Karsten: Yes, there weren't much European or even German books. First time I had comics in my hands i guess it was Mickey Mouse, which I don't like, I like Donald more or later "Phantomias", the Batman Version. But I read Batman and Superman, too. And Flash, I loved Flash, but then, one day the news stand didn't have them anymore and i had to look for something else, it was 1983 and I browsed though the stand with the little trade paperbacks and saw the Cover of "Die Gruppe X Nr.4". It was The Uncanny X-MEN Cover from 1978, no. 115, inside the storyline from 111 to 114. And that was the day I collected the X-MEN. Which was hard because they came out only 3 or 4 times a year with 4 stories inside but as you can see, years later as they originally were published. But I was hooked; the abilities and characters
were awesome. But the best thing was the art, the art of John Byrne. It is a beautiful style. But there were other books that were produced more, Spider-Man. You see, the question wasn't "what book to collect" there weren't much options; at least in my local news stand and I didn't got too much around all town to look for more. Okay, there were Avengers and Fantastic four, I
have some of them too, but it wasn't my thing. The difference between these 4 books is obvious, the Avengers and Fantastic Four are liked and the public likes them, and they despite the X-MEN, say they are outlaws and should locked up, but that they do good all the time, the public didn't see. And that is what hooked me more, same for Spider-Man and JJJ. Later, in 1996 I discovered a shop that had international Comics, and I started to collect the X-MEN, the originals and the spin offs, everything X-MEN related, and some other books. Beautiful. But I had to stop for a while now.

Me: My favorite super hero is Captain Britain, mostly because he is English, and so am I. Who is your favorite super hero? Nightcrawler is the only German hero I could think of.

Karsten: Right, I couldn't think of another right now myself, I like the elf, when he is with Wolverine, together they are fun, alone he is too sad and way to much into religion for my taste. Also it is fun to see German words and sentences. Sadly they were badly translated at some times. Ha, I hope my English isn't too bad. But a real favorite I don't have. There were times when you could say: "This one is it", but that changed. Depends on my mood I guess.

Me: So, DC or Marvel?

Karsten: Dark Horse. I don't participate in that war, which publisher is better. Dark Horse has some books I like very much, DC does and so does Marvel. I am neutral.

Me: Before you started drawing for Fierce, who else have you worked for?

Karsten: Nobody. At least not in the comic business.

Me: You are working on "Redneck Red", right? How did the boys at Fierce discover you and what made you want to work for them?

Karsten: What made me work for them... hmm, that is easy, two things: The work on a book and the money. It was Mike Foss who found me on a Forum, he saw a comic page I posted wanted me for a book he wrote, but then he showed it to Ben, and he asked if I would do a couple of sample pages, which I gladly did, I had much freedom and had my fun with it. If you want to see them, you can find them here: They liked them in the end and now I am in the team and try to produce the best art I can. Which can be frustrating, I am not easily satisfied, and by looking on the pages today I see some things I would change now.

Me: So, Redneck Red... coming from Germany did you know what a redneck was?

Karsten: Yes.

Me: When you get a script sent to you, how long does it take you to draw the book? Do you send everything through e-mail?

Karsten: Yes, we communicate through e-mail and wait for feedback, and if there is something to change, I do that. Gladly there wasn't much to change in that first book. It depends on the amount of pages the book has. This one has 22 and a cover, it is finished within a month.

Me: Have you ever been to the States?

Karsten: Yes. It was February 1993. New York for two day and then 12 in Orlando Florida.

Me: Karsten, any future projects you are working on, or will be working on? Also, is there a book you would love to draw for?

Karsten: Oh yes, I have some stories of my own in my desk which I would love to get out, but they are epic and need time. But first there is "Redneck Red". Yes, there are 4 titles I would love to draw for: PREDATOR (if it still exist, I don't know), STARWARS, X-MEN (no specific title) and BATMAN.

Me: I wish you luck, and hope to see you at a convention soon, my friend.

Karsten: Thank you very much and good luck to you, too.

Me: Okay, now to you, Rob... where did you study?

Rob: The international school of awesome. Honestly, I don't have any formal art training. I have been into drawing and art since I was a more wee one than I am now.

Me: Do you have a favorite super hero?

Rob: Is that a trick question? I mean there are so many to choose from... Spiderman, Green Hornet, Usagi Yojimbo... I am afraid to go on any further as I will just bore everyone. I am a nerd.

Me: I love the "Maniacal Smile", Rob. How did you create it, and tell the Phile readers the premise.

Rob: Thanks! I love that you love it! I created the character when I was 16. I originally just wanted to put a book out that would shock readers and gross them out. You can ask my esteemed publisher, I hit my goal on that. :) Over the course of 11 years, I tried to fine tune it and make it as good as I could... but alas, I am no writer. I now have the privilege of working
with Mike Foss who is making my art look better with great storytelling. Basically, Smiley is the story of a guy who isn't good at anything. He has the worst super power ever... irritable bowel syndrome. He wears a big inflatable rubber suit to look muscular, and is guided by his
quadriplegic-ex-superhero-uncle, Richard Reed. (LOL) It's like South Park meets The Tick. If the Philes have a good sense of humor, this book is for them!

Me: So, can I get a Maniacal Smile t-shirt XXL? LOL.

Rob: Actually, HELL YEAH! we have SOOOOOO many shirts... Tell Ben to comp one to you!

Me: You are working on a graphic novel called "Blue Manta", right? What is that about and when will it come out?

Rob: "Blue Manta" is in the works. It has taken a bit of a back seat to our current work on Smiley. People really love the look of the character, so I am sure we will get it out under the Fierce label soon... as for the skinny on the story, we still have lots to figure out on it... BUT be sure to check out future issues of Smiley, the Big blue will be lurking in it's pages soon...

Me: Let's talk about the comic book company you three work for... Fierce Comics. I never heard of it until I went to MegaCon. When did the company form and how many different titles does it have?

Ben: It was originally founded in 2003 and initially published mostly web-based comics. In 2005 the company began developing concepts for print and searching for high-quality creative talent to help lead the growth in that direction. Most of the company¹s promotional efforts were focused on the Tampa Bay area during this time, so it's not surprising that you hadn¹t
heard of us. At this point, the company publishes "Redneck Red" and the "Maniacal Smile" on an every other month basis. Two additional titles are in development for release in 2010 and several others are earmarked for 2011, assuming a successful launch of the 2010 titles.

Me: If a Phile reader wants to get a Fierce Comic comic, where would they go?

Ben: Until recently, the books have been sold direct to the public; however, we are working with ComicsMonkey to establish a distribution channel that will make the books easily available to comic shops nationwide. We hope to have that in place by the end of April. The real key is for comic readers to ask their comic shop owners for the books. Nothing is more
powerful than end-user demand when it comes to getting books into comic shops.

Me: Also, if a budding artist or comic book writer wants to work for Fierce, what would they have to do?

Ben: Well, we aren¹t currently looking for writing submissions, but it's fairly easy if you're an artist - just go to the submissions page of the web site and download a submissions form. The instructions are right on the form. We maintain a list of freelancers and rank them according to
different variables including quality of work, turnaround time, industry experience, and page rate.

Me: Any chance Fierce will be releasing trade paperbacks?

Ben: Right now we're focused on hitting deadlines and maintaining our current frequency of an every other month release schedule per title. It'll ultimately be customer demand that dictates our trade strategy.

Me: Okay, what is the website and what is next for the company?

Ben: The website is There's a free members section on the site called MyFierce, where you can sign up to get inside access to what's coming up and interact with our core creative team. There aren't many independent comic companies offering this level of interaction on their web sites, so I encourage your readers to take advantage of it and sign up.
We also offer sneak peeks at available issues, wallpaper and avatar downloads, and an awesome gear section with a lot of great products. We have aggressive expansion plans for the company, but for now our primary focus is building a solid distribution channel and fan base. When that's
locked-in, the steps that follow will be very, very exciting for our fans.

Me: Thanks for doing this interview, I am a big fan, and thanks for my t-shirt. I hope this was fun, was it?

Rob: wait... you already have a Tee?! Ben, scratch the comp for another one to him... JK! This was fun! Thanks for taking the time to get to know the greatness that is Fierce Comics! Punch and Pie...


Man, that was freakin' cool. Check out And if they make a Manical Smile movie, I want that part. A super hero with IBS can't be wrong. Thanks to Ben and the boys from Fierce Comics, who I would love to interview again one day. Thanks also to Wikipedia. The Phile will be back again on Monday with an interview with the very attractive and talented Jennifer Newberry. Then on Friday the Phile will be back with another artist. Thanks always for reading, and spread the word, not the turd.