Thursday, February 28, 2008

Save A Dolphin Eat A Mermaid

Hello, welcome to the Phile, I am your host, Jason Peverett, star of the new movie The Slackerwick Chronicles. This is the most updated blog on the internet. Today at work I got my twenty year ring, so I guess I am now married to Disney World. Good news for everybody. Tuesday night was the final Democratic debate. I think there was 110 of those. Trouble for Barack Obama that night. He’s usually so smooth. He mispronounced the word Massachusetts twice, and then he mispronounced the word filibuster. Which explains why this morning Barack Obama was endorsed by President Bush. A photo has been circulating of Obama in a turban. This should actually help Obama with a key group of voters in New York: taxi drivers. In sports: The Florida Marlins have announced they will form an all-male, plus-size cheerleading squad. They will be called the Marlin Brandos. Not a great week for Britain. They had a 5.2 earthquake in Britain. Prince Charles said he knew it was coming . . . the horses were acting up. Especially Camilla. Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho is in the news again. Not only hasn’t he stepped down from his Senate seat, he’s actually looking for summer interns. He’s looking for juniors and seniors in college who have an interest in politics and know how to keep their mouths shut. The deadline is mid-March. If you’re interested, slip your resume under the third stall from the left in the Meridian’s men’s room off I-84. Did anybody see the Oscars? These may be the lowest ratings for the Academy Awards ever. They won’t know until the show ends. One good thing though, thanks to Diablo Cody, all the girls at the Doll House are writing screenplays on their laptops. Elton John had a party afterwards. Jack Nicholson was there and so was Jack Black. It was a pretty good hand: two jacks and a queen. Academy Awards is like a flight on Jet Blue. You sit there for six hours hoping it will take off. The statue, the Oscar, is 13 ½ inches tall, weighs 8 ½ pounds, and . . . no, that’s Tom Cruise. Here’s some champagne excitement: Ralph Nader is running for president. Ralph Nader looks like a guy who comes into town once a year for supplies. Starbucks has announced that they're introducing a coffee that costs only one dollar. Apparently the catch is you have to purchase it at Dunkin' Donuts. It was a tough Monday for America. From 5:30 to 8:30, every Starbucks was closed. It was terrible. For three full hours, people everywhere were forced to pay a reasonable amount for coffee. Fortunately, President Bush gave FEMA the go-ahead to tap into the nation’s mochaccino reserve. They closed the store to retrain the staff on the use of expresso machines. What happened? Starbucks released a statement that said, “We are understand that many of our loyal customers will be inconvenienced by the closings, but since they are all addicted to our products, we don’t care.” The Pentagon says it successfully shot down an old satellite over the Pacific Ocean. According to the Pentagon, this is the largest object to be shot down since Star Jones was fired by “The View.” Kirstie Alley is starting her own weight-loss company. Here’s how it works: You send her 30 bucks, and she comes to your house and stands next to you. 


Buddy Miles: Just another one of them changes, huh, Buddy?
William F. Buckley Jr.: As the world bids farewell to this emphysema-ridden blow-hard, we'd like to join his son Christopher in saying, "Thank you for smoking."


February 29: Leap Day...only happens once every four years.
March 9 (early AM): Spring Forward...Daylight Saving Time (where applicable)
March 16: Selection Sunday for NCAA Basketball Tourney (someone else is running the contest this year)
March 17: St. Patrick's Day for all those of Irish and fake Irish persuasion
March 20: Said NCAA tourney begins
March 23: Easter Sunday (second earliest day possible, last in 1913, next in 2228. Earliest is March 22, last in 1818, next in 2285)
April 1: April Fools Day

And now for another new pheature called...

A man who clung to his van as it was being carjacked was killed when the carjacker drove the vehicle into a concrete barrier on the Dan Ryan Expressway in an effort to shake him off, officials said. Eric Holmes, 26, whose address wasn't immediately available, was stopped at a gas station at 95th and State Streets about 5 p.m. Tuesday when a man jumped into his vehicle and drove off, officials said. Holmes grabbed onto the luggage rack and got onto the roof as the van entered the expressway and headed north, according to officials. A witness told police he apparently tried to get into the van through the passenger door. He was then thrown off the van when the carjacker ran him into the barrier at 89th Street. The van also crashed and caught on fire. A 31-year-old suspect was in custody. Holmes was pronounced dead at Stroger Hospital at 5:54 p.m., according to the Cook County medical examiner's office. It's a freakin car---dumbass!


Two impenitent heretics are burned at the stake in Mexico at a spectacular auto-da-fe comparable to those in Spain. The two are the first victims of the Inquisition in the New World, dying for their heretical crimes of... Lutheranism.
Singer and early 60's heartthrob Frankie Lymon is found dead from a heroin overdose next to his syringe, in his grandmother's New York City apartment.
Prime Minister of Sweden Olof Palme assassinated as he left a movie theater in Stockholm. It is unknown who the assailant was, though some suspect a South African death squad.
Agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco use armed force attempting to serve Branch Davidian leader David Koresh with a search warrant (one with no actual evidence of any illegal activity whatsoever), in what the BATF viewed as a publicity stunt to improve their image. While the agents carefully coordinated the raid with eleven different media outlets, something apparently tipped off Koresh and things do not go well: six Davidians and four ATF agents were killed. The warrant instead could have been served peacefully, while Koresh did his daily morning jog.
Members of the group "Patriot's Council" in Minnesota are convicted under the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, for manufacturing quantities of the ricin toxin. The substance is nearly indetectible when used as a poison, but is difficult to administer.


A man walks into his doctor’s office after havingtaken several tests to learn the results. The doctor asks the man to sit down. “I have some bad news for you, Mr. Phillips. I am afraid that you have cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.” The man replies, “Well, at least I don’t have cancer.”

So, the other day someone said to me, "Why aren't you talking about American Idol on the Phile? You talk about other reality shows, and Idol is the number one show. Well, I do watch Idol, so I might as well talk about it, right? So...

It's that time of year again. The time when American Idol settles down with it's Top 24, I start singling out our favorites, and the media starts digging into these people's pasts and presents looking for juicy secrets like they're presidential politicians, too. Other than the expected mug shot discovery, two have surfaced this week that are certainly generating a lot of buzz. One features Robbie Carrico, who has been called out as inauthentic in his attempts to be a "rocker" week after week thus far on the show. The other, the handsome but otherwise dull David H., who had a great week. Of course, Idol and FOX aren't saying anything about it. In order to not spoil the fun for those who like to avoid this kind of thing, you'll have to follow me to know more.
If this rumor is right, than Simon is absolutely right in calling Robbie out as a fake. And if Simon knows, as it is hinted that most of the Idol staffers know, then it makes sense why he keeps drilling it in. According to TMZ, Robbie Carrico wears a wig. Now, this is one of those things that's easy to just laugh off; after all I thought David Cook's hair looked decided wiggish on this week's performance show, especially when they zoomed in on a side shot of his head. And I could totally picture him with male pattern baldness. The thing is, as Chris Daughtry proved, you don't need long luxurious locks to look like a rocker. Maybe to squelch these rumors he'll get an impromptu "haircut" and explain it away as he was trying to get a makeover. Of course, if he does have severe baldness, then he'd better shave it pretty close because those HD TVs don't miss much. Robbie's pretty popular with viewers right now, so it'll be interesting to see if this story has any impact on that. Or if it will be addressed directly on the show. The next rumor that I guarantee won't be addressed on the show is the apparently secret past of David Hernandez. As first rumored on, apparently David Hernandez was a gay stripper at a club called Dick's Cabaret. Now, David also has apparently been calling out for the "single ladies" in at least one local news interview, so clearly he's either bisexual or now hiding his homosexuality for some reason. Since they first posted the story, VFTW has been getting hit with various posts confirming his presence and expounding on the story with similar details among various posters. Purportedly, his stage name was Caden and he danced there and other places with his boyfriend. You can check out various pictures (SFW) of David working in the bar at their site. As for that mugshot, well it looks like everyone's favorite rocker Amanda Overmyer got a DUI in October 2006. The article goes on to say she has a string of vehicular offenses, including going 100mph in a 45mph zone and running a red light. Generally, traffic tickets aren't anything to get too worked up, but a DUI is always a serious thing and exceeding the speed limit by 55 mph is pretty serious business, too. One can only hope that Amanda has learned from her mistakes and won't be repeating them. And, as crass as it is to say, this kind of story can only improve her "bad girl" rocker image, if that's what she's wanting to do. The bottom line is these contestants are people, too. They've lived lives and made bad choices and mistakes just like the rest of us. We just don't have anyone digging into our pasts trying to find them. Welcome to stardom, kids!


Of course, my name being David also, I had an instant connection with the guitar player that my friend Tom Brennan took me to see in August of 1974 at the Spectrum in Philadelphia, PA. I had purchased my first Foghat album earlier that year. I believe they were the opening act for Black Oak Arkansas for that event. See, back then things were a little "foggy" when we attended concerts, if you know what I mean! But I was hooked on the song "Eight Days on the Road" and would have paid any price for a concert ticket just to hear that one song! Unfortunately, I think I straightened up long enough to hear Lonesome pound out the best version of that song I think I will ever here! During this era I began to follow a lot of local bands in my area, a few of which my friends and I played in. So, my first Foghat experience was 1974 at age 15 if you can believe that! Saw the band again in Dec. 1975 when they released "Fool for the City" album which was an instant hit with my friends and myself. So this time we got right in front of the stage at the Spectrum, and we were standing right in front of "Dave"! That was the concert which was most memorable to me! During the later part of the seventies I didn't follow the concert schedule as much, I began following a band out of New York, Bonnie Parker Band, whom I got to know very well, and now my buddy R. Scarlet who played guitar for them is now a pretty famous rocker on his own! Early in 1980 though, I managed to get a hold of two tickets to see Foghat & The Outlaws at the Spectrum and took my friend Craig. Little did I know then this would be the "last" time that I would see Lonesome Dave & Rod "The Bottle" Price perform! During the late 1980's and early 1990's I tried to get news of Foghat performances in the South Jersey area, but did manage to see Roger Earl with different musicians being billed as "Foghat" perform at two different clubs in the Berlin, N.J. and Deptford, N.J. area! After this did not hear about any Foghat shows anywhere even though I tried to hear of any performances there was no news of them! Sadly, after being unemployed in early 2007, I happened on the website only to have my heart broken learning about the news about Dave & Rod! But in August 2007, some friends of mine had won a contest on a Phila. radio station, and when I heard the legendary Foghat would perform I got "goosebumps"! So on a humid Sunday afternoon I stood transfixed watching them prepare the stage at Mike & Joanies house and when John DiBella introduced them I can promise you my eyes welled up, as they are doing right now when they began to play "Home in my Hand"! I began to cheer just like I did when I sixteen! But, I can promise you there is no voice of any Rock & Roll band that can match that "hauntingly" unmistakable voice of "Lonesome" Dave's! I can pick his voice out of any crowd, anywhere at anytime! Virtually Awesome! You wanted my story about Dave and that's about it! I did manage to purchase the DVD , "Two Centuries of Boogie" for my collection! And you know that that will never leave my house! And Dave & Rod are always in my thought and prayers! A Foghat fan then and forever, one of your loyal and honorable fans! Sincerely, David J DiLullo.


And away we go ... Three new stills from the upcoming direct-to-DVD prequel Batman: Gotham Knights have been released online (via Kung Fu Rodeo), and they once again show a ripped Batman looking all pissed off at something or someone. The new stills don't look much different from the three that were released earlier in the week, so I'm not sure if they are all from the same mini-story or different. I do notice subtle changes, but does it matter? I just want to watch this thing now. Set for release on July 8, the disc will feature six interlocking stories that will serve as a bridge between the two live-action films, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. Villains rumored to be appearing include Scarecrow, Killer Croc and Deathstroke. (Additionally, a Deathstroke toy is floating around somewhere, so either it's a tie-in to the DVD, or we could be looking at another possible villain for Dark Knight and beyond.)  Now, to Star Wars! So we already know George Lucas is planning a 100-episode live-action TV show set between Episodes III and IV. Last we heard, the scripts were being written and most of the talk surrounded the Star Wars animated series debuting this fall. Well, The tells us (via Liverpool Daily Post) that Jim Marquand has been asked by Lucas to direct episodes of the live-action show. Who is Jim Marquand, you ask? Well, he just happens to be the son of Richard Marquand, director of Return of the Jedi. Pretty cool stuff -- we'll have to see how he does. I wonder if Lucas will direct an episode or two himself?


A Nightmare on Elm Street
Michael Rosenbaum, who stars as bald villain Lex Luthor on Smallville, has been seen lunching with Michael Bay in L.A., leading some fans to speculate he's up for the role of serial slasher Freddy Krueger in Bay's remake. Either that or the guy's going to star as a new Transformer: Chrome Dome.
Zack & Miri Make a Porno
Kevin Smith has made a new viral parody video (So NSFW) in which his lead actress, Elizabeth Banks, sings about having to do it with co-star Seth Rogen so she can get ahead in the business and work with Judd Apatow. Could be worse. She could be doin' it with McLovin.
The X-Files 2
A bootleg Wonder-Con trailer was up all weekend that 20th Century Fox eventually had taken down, and all we got to see in it was a wild-haired Billy Connolly leading Gillian Anderson and a crew of FBI agents digging in a snow bank, where they find something shocking. Dunno what it is, but they must have found the yellow spot.
Justice League of America
The troubled superhero-team-up flick may now be shot in Canada if Warner Bros. can't get a tax break from Australia, where the movie was originally going to be filmed. Director George Miller's subsequent film, Happy Feet 2, might also have to move production to the Great White North, too. If WB wants to save money, why don't they just combine both films. I'd love to see a tap dancing Aquaman and Wonder Woman.
The Bourne Identity 4
Although both Matt Damon and director Paul Greengrass seemed to indicate that The Bourne Ultimatum would be the last, the pair have signed for a fourth outing. Now that Bourne has his memory back, the new film will have him remembering where to go find his car at the mall parking garage.
Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden?
The first poster for Morgan Spurlock's new documentary is a clever spoof of the original one for Raiders of the Lost Ark. Maybe that's why we can't find the guy. Maybe his face got melted off like that Nazi's, and nobody recognizes him anymore.
So far, not much is known about James Cameron's latest alien epic, but star Sigourney Weaver says it's about ecology, love and greed and that fans will love it so much they'll want to bring sleeping bags and camp out in theaters. I did that for Titanic, but that was so I could nap.
The Fall
Visionary director Tarsem Singh (The Cell) has crafted this surreal trailer that features Charles Darwin as a superhero who must defeat the sinister General Odious. The trailer doesn't disclose Odious' evil plans, but I'm guessing it has something to do with removing all references to evolution in science classes.

Now, last week I forgot to post the review of The Jumper
, so here it is:
Starring Hayden Christensen, Rachel Bilson, Jamie Bell, Samuel L. Jackson, and Diane Lane. The most boring man alive discovers he has the ability to teleport through space to wherever he wants to go — "Did I just teleport?" he asks himself the first time it happens. When he robs some banks for funding along the way? No big deal. But then Samuel L. with a white afro shows up as a "paladin," whose job is to stalk and kill jumpers. He keeps yelling, "ONLY GOD SHOULD HAVE THIS POWER!" while trying to eliminate the most boring man alive. And you're sort of rooting for Sam … This would have been a perfect piece of junk entertainment if they had only managed to steer clear of the acting pothole that is Christensen. Seriously, is it possible for an actor to have a negative amount of charisma? He makes you wish Stanley Kubrick were alive still and had cast him in the Keir Dullea blank-faced astronaut role in 2001: A Space Odyssey. As it is, you only wake up when now grown-up Billy Elliot star Bell comes along to be all swaggery and interesting. If this had been a smarter movie, Lane would have had more than five minutes of stunt-casting screen time. For as much as she had to do here, they could have let Heidi Klum play the part for a lot less money. Lane's character's meaty moral conflict — she's a paladin, too, just like Jackson — could have become a metaphor for a whole lot of other stuff and not sacrificed the action. It could have been a potentially heartbreaking storyline. And it just lies there like a wad of barely chewed gum on the sidewalk. You can spend the first 30 minutes of this film eating one of everything at the concession and then checking your e-mail in the lobby. All he does is jump around from place to place. After that, the chasing and the fighting starts, and the movie starts to be fun. Then you'll almost forget you've just paid money to see more of young Anakin.

Well, there you have it, phans, a new entry with some new pheatures. Keeping it
phresh, you know. We are less then 200 views from hitting 4000 by Easter, so tell 
your friends to check the Phile out. Not much is hapepning in the Peverett household
this weekend, but next weekend is the Disney Bowl-A-Thon I will be taking part in, 
as well as Megacon. Then on March 15th is the Hootie and the Blowfish free concert
at Celebration, not far from where I live. As always, check out for updates and pictures and to buy some cool Foghat merch. 
Until March, spread the word, not the turd. Peace. 

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Election 2008: 99 Problems And The Bitch Is One

Hey, kids, welcome to another entry of the Peverett Phile, the web's most updated blog. So, yesterday was my 20th Anniversary at Walt Disney World. Twenty years.
That's like two decades. They gave me a big cake and my 20 year service pin, and I got a lot of attention. When you hit 20 years at Disney you get to choose a watch or a ring. For years I wanted the watch, but as I have a white gold wedding ring, my wife Jen said a gold watch would look stupid, so I ended up ordering a silver ring. Knowing my luck next year they'll offer a silver watch but it'll be too late. Out in California, they recalled 143 million pounds of tainted beef. That’s one triple-stacked burger at Wendy’s. A hundred forty three pounds of tainted beef! I believe that’s the largest amount of tainted meat since Roger Clemens. How about the presidential campaign. Barack Obama and John Edwards got together over the weekend. Edwards may endorse Barack Obama. Although his hair is leaning towards Hillary. John McCain seems reinvigorated. He has a new campaign slogan, “he’ll lead you into the 21st century.” I like it better than his old slogan, “he’ll lead you into assisted living.” Hillary Clinton is accusing Barack Obama of plagiarizing a speech by a Massachusetts governor. She may have a point: The speech was entitled “I love chowda.” Over the weekend in Ohio, former President Bill Clinton had an angry confrontation with a heckler who claimed at one point Bill Clinton made physical contact. Clinton denied any physical contact, but again, he always does. President Bush is in Africa right now. He met the president of Tanzania and gave him a pair of Shaquille O’Neil sneakers. The president of Tanzania was thrilled and said he plans to use Shaq’s shoes as a house for hundreds of people. I want to get this off my chest: For the past 20 years at Disney, I have been using performance-enhancing vodka.
Andy Pettitte apologized for using growth hormone. Nothing yet from Jane Fonda. Cuban dictator Fidel Castro announced he is stepping down, ending five decades of rule. The biggest surprise is when Castro announced he’s going to retire in Miami. About time Castro retired. He is almost 81 years old — that is the same age as John McCain. Castro announced his retirement on the Internet. This is the man who blocked the Internet in his own country. He has a blog. Probably has a MySpace page as well — “Current mood: Evil.” Fidel is being replaced by a younger, sexier Castro: his younger brother Raul. Is this even possible? Can you imagine a country run by one family for years and years and years? That could never happen here . . . ahem. Steven Spielberg pulled out of the Beijing Olympics. He wasn’t competing or anything . . . he was the artistic adviser. He quit because of China’s poor record on human rights. Chinese officials were so upset they couldn’t torture anyone all week. I want to announce that I am not part of the 143 million pounds of recalled meat. The FDA has ruled that I am both safe and delicious to eat. What a banner two days for space geeks. The Shuttle Atlantis landed. I was greeted with two sonic booms just after 0900. There was a Lunar eclipse starting at 2042 and at 2230 they shot down that rogue satellite. It's a good week. Am I the only one who finds it absurd that they've named a space shuttle after something which is most famous for being lost forever beneath the ocean never to be seen or heard from again? It certainly wouldn't be my first name for an object that routinely hurtles towards the earth. Not nearly as awful as naming a condom "Trojan" of course. Or "Ramses" for that matter. In these trying times of economic downturns, terrorist attacks around the globe, armed assassins attacking our schools, soldiers coming home in boxes, war, death and misery everywhere… it sure was cool to log on and see a kick ass story about blowing shit up in space with missiles!


Walt Disney World Resort will always be dedicated to making dreams come true. In this magical world, fantasy is real and reality is fantastic. A wonderful sense of community awaits, where all are greeted as welcome Guests and become cherished friends. For all who work and play here, Walt Disney World Resort will be a source of joy and inspiration. This is a true story, and you might want to get a Kleenex out.
In 2006 during a seemingly routine performance of Storytime with Belle, Belle and her friend, Brittany Mumford, chose a young male child, approximately 11 years old, to participate in the show. In the few moments of interaction to assist the child on stage, his parents informed Belle that their son was autistic. They cautioned of his dislike of being "handled," and although apprehensive, helped encourage him on stage as he seemed receptive to the notion. They watched intensely as Belle continued her story using her assistant. Their son was portraying Papa, Belle's father, an inventor, and Belle asked him what his invention would be. After a brief silence (and concerned looks from the parents), the boy blurted out "Spaceship." The show continued on and then ended with the invitation for the audience to experience a meet and greet with Belle. The boy and his parents waited for the crowd to disperse; while the son hung back, his parents (extremely emotional) approached Belle. It turns out, at 11 years old, their son had never spoken. And while up on stage, with Belle, in front of a few hundred Guests, including his beaming parents, he chose to speak his first word: spaceship. The boy and his family returned to the Walt Disney World Resort a year later during the 2007 holiday season. During their stay, whenever they came to the Magic Kingdom Park, they saw each and every Storytime with Belle show. After each show, the boy would present Belle with a single red rose. During one of the performances, he appeared eager to participate and once again was selected to portray Papa on stage. The experience was unlike anything anyone expected; he took the stage with enthusiasm and animation. He spoke in full sentences and was the star of the show. While still apprehensive about being "handled," his parents informed Belle how the past year had been a miracle for the family. His development was beyond what they could have imagined, and he was now speaking and interacting as if he never had any challenges. Ever since that day in 2006, his progress had been extraordinary; the family tells and retells the story of his first word with Belle and the magic here at the Walt Disney World Resort. Belle has an entire mirror completely framed by the red roses the boy gave her as a reminder of his story and how much impact we can and do have on each and every one of our Guests. You crying yet?


These are some of the e-mails I got for reaching twenty years at Disney.
A great big CONGRATULATIONS to you!! I'll try to come by today to congratulate you in person. Carol
After watching you do what you do everyday.....I can't believe you lasted 20 years either!! (sorry, I couldn't resist!) Congratulations on your 20 years. I am proud to call you my friend. Will you be retiring soon? Norm Caron
woo hoo! congratulations!
Hey Jason: I hope you get to last 20 more, but then I don't know how you are going to pull that one off. I hope to work with you for a long, long time. You are a lot of fun. I would pat you on the back....... Milisa Demoulin
Don't worry. We cant believe you lasted that long either;) but I'm glad you did!!!
Congrats!! But you are suppose to come to work on that day to let us celebrate with you!!!!! Hope you had a great day! Eugene
Onward and upward! Congratulations on the big 20. Rita


Edward Despard and six co-conspirators were hanged, drawn, and quartered at Horsemonger Lane Gaol for plotting to assassinate England's King George III and to destroy the Bank of England. He is the last person to suffer this punishment.
America's greatest phallic symbol, the Washington Monument, is dedicated by President Chester A. Arthur. The shaft towers over 555 into the air, and sports an aluminum foreskin.
Start of the Battle of Verdun, which in nine months yielded 975,000 casualties and almost no change in the front line. It is the bloodiest battle in history, and often the one remarked as having the "highest density of dead per square yard."
The first attempted hijacking of an airplane occurs when revolutionary soldiers in Peru seize a Ford Tri-motor and demand pilots drop propaganda leaflets over the capital, Lima.
Malcolm X assassinated in a Manhattan ballroom, probably by fellow black muslims.
Nixon visits Red China, fulfilling the Vulcan proverb.
Television evangelist Jimmy Swaggart of the Assemblies of God, with tears streaming down his face, confesses sinning with a prostitute in a Louisiana hotel room. A second scandal with yet another prostitute emerges in 1991, further killing his evangelical career.


Kim Sjostrom wanted a real-life version of the film My Big Fat Greek Wedding, which played in the background as friends fixed her hair and makeup before her own marriage ceremony. But less than an hour after she and Teddy Efkarpides were wed, Sjostrom crumpled in her husband's arms during a Greek song that means "Love Me." At 36, Sjostrom was dead from heart disease. The wedding had became a project at Davie Elementary School, where Sjostrom taught first grade. Fellow teachers provided the wedding gown, the flowers and decorations. One of them, an ordained minister, performed the ceremony. "It was perfect for her," said Dominic Church, the minister friend. Sjostrom carried blue and white flowers during the ceremony — the colors of the Greek flag — as she exchanged vows with Efkarpides, a 43-year-old carpenter and Navy veteran. They had met three years to the day before the Jan. 19 wedding. During the couple's first dance, Sjostrom complained of being lightheaded. Efkarpides thought his wife, a diabetic, needed sugar, but she collapsed. Wedding guests, paramedics and doctors at a nearby hospital were unable to revive her.
She had a previous cardiac episode in her 20s and was a poster child — literally — for juvenile diabetes, relatives and friends said. Efkarpides recalled seeing the poster featuring her on New York subways. He consoles himself by reading a list of "101 Reasons Why I Love You" that Sjostrom gave him their first Christmas together. "Number 1. You make me smile." No. 98 is especially difficult: "You're the one I want to grow old with."


Q: What do you call a rabbit with a crooked dick? A: Fucks Funny.
Q: Why did the bald man cut holes in his pockets? A: So he could run his fingers through his hair.


From the home office in Groveland, Florida, here is this week's top ten list.
Top Ten Slogans For the All-Nude Airline
10. "Sure Beats That All-Nude Busline"
9. "So Friendly, Even Our Pilots Share Their Nuts"
8. "You Are Now Free To Moon The Country"
7. "We're Bringing Back the 'Smokin!' Section"
6. "Where Hijacking Takes On a Whole New Meaning"
5. "The Airline Formerly Known as Virgin"
4. "Ralph Feinnes Tested, Ralph Feinnes Approved"
3. "Bon Voyeur!"
2. "Going Down In Our Planes Is a Pleasure"
And the number one slogan for the all-nude airline...
1. "We Love To Fly... And It Shows!"


With most of the mutants, they get some funky superpower mutation and look cool -- whether they can hide it until they need it, like Wolverine, or whether it just results in some super-sexy white hair like Rogue. Then, you get dudes like Beak -aka- Barnell Bohusk. He starts turning into a humanoid bird and feels freakish and ashamed. (And some of the others thought they had it bad...) Well, if the website Just Jared is right, Beak is in 20th Century Fox's X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and he'll be played by Dominic Monaghan. He's certainly a man who gets around, between helping to save the world in Hobbit form and being quite "Lost". And while this sequel originally seemed to be a lone Logan sort of feature, it's become quite the X-Men extravaganza.
As for Beak's story -- he was a kid born in the Netherlands whose puberty was particularly rough. As Wikipedia describes it: "His body changed into that of a humanoid-bird form, with a beaked face, bulbous eyes, wing-like arms that give him the ability to fly (albeit clumsily), talons on his hands and feet, and double-jointed knees." He went into hiding over his appearance, and then found his way to the Xavier Institute. I'm not sure how he'll fit into this story, but he did take over Wolverine's shack to house his winged babies with Angel Salvadore, so maybe that'll come into play.


X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Ryan Reynolds is assassin Deadpool, Taylor Kitsch's the mutant Gambit, and rapper will play the teleporting Kestrel. The only role not cast yet is the Blob, the 1,200-pound mutant who will be played by someone wearing a giant fat suit. I nominate Gwyneth Paltrow. She looked pretty good in Shallow Hal.
Filth and Wisdom
Madonna's directorial debut may not only skip theaters but DVD as well, and be sold directly as a download from iTunes. Who knew that the Internet could be such a popular medium for downloading filth?
Jumper 2
Doug Liman is already excited about making a sequel, in which he figures Hayden Christensen can either travel back in time or work for the government. Great. An IRS agent who can literally check to see if I'm really cheating on my receipts.
The Incredible Hulk
They say the first trailer won't be available until sometime in March, but to tide us over, there's some pics of a full-scale replica of the jolly green giant. And if you think the Hulk looks angry, that's nothing compared to how I'm going to look if that trailer doesn't arrive ASAP.
The Dam
First it was Rocky. Then it was Rambo. Now Stallone is angling to return as Gabe Walker in a sequel to Cliffhanger. Except they're going to make this more kid-friendly and have Sly face off against a gang of angry beavers.
The Last Supper
Iconoclastic director Peter Greenaway is planning to animate Leonardo Da Vinci's actual painting as a film. At last, we'll finally get an answer to the question that has plagued scholars for centuries: Did Jesus burp?

There you go, phans, the latest entry. I still hope we hit 4000 views by Easter, which is about a month to go. Until next week, check out the site and the site. Until next week, spread the word, not the turd. Peace.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Stupid Valentine's Day

Welcome to the Peverett Phile, the web's most updated blog. It's Valentine's Day, people, I hope you got a kiss from your loved ones. Or at least a hug, or a smile. Did anybody notice that a heart looks like an ass upside down? I gave my wife a card, a fake rose and a box of chocolate kisses. What did you give your loved ones? How about the presidential race? Hillary Clinton is trailing Barack Obama. Indications are she getting a little nervous, maybe a little desperate. Earlier today, she showed up wearing a painted-on pantsuit. How about that Mitt Romney? I’m going to miss him. He’s like the archaeologist who ignored the curse of the mummy’s tomb. After John McCain swept the primaries, he purposely stole a line Barack Obama’s been using: "I’m fired up and ready to go." When Obama heard this, he stole a line McCain’s been using: "I’m old and not sure where I am." This week a man in Florida was arrested for hitting the manager of a Taco Bell in the face with a bag full of Tacos. Afterwards, the Taco Bell manager said, “It’s weird, my tacos usually don’t attack me until I’m in the bathroom.” The writers’ strike is over! I’m just excited to get new episodes of “Army Wives” back. Another gift from the comedy gods: Baseball great Roger Clemens sat in front of Congress today, to answer questions about whether or not he used performance-enhancing drugs. Clemens says he didn’t; his former trainer says he did. I might be the only one who believes them both. I only know this: I watched this thing for three hours and I have not heard the word buttocks used so often in congressional hearings since the last time Oliver North showed up wearing a banana hammock. They’re very focused on buttocks because it takes their minds off the economy and the war and all that other stuff. Did I tell you I'll miss that Mitt Romney? He looks like a doctor with a miracle cure for arthritis. He looks like a lawyer in a Yellow Pages ad. President Bush says during his last year in office, he will visit more countries than in any other year of his presidency. He says he will accomplish all of this in one weekend by going to Epcot. Last week, prison guards had to use tear gas to break up prison riots in New Jersey. When the tear gas didn’t work, the guards sprayed the prisoners with New Jersey air. Dolly Parton has cancelled her tour because her boobs are hurting her back. It's funny, because Amy winehouse cancelled her tour because her face was hurting me. Dolly used to have an
attraction in Orlando called Dixie Stampede. Amy Winehouse is soon to open one called My face Got Run Over My A Stampede. I feel sorry for Amy Winehouse. All that fame and money . . . no wonder she’s gone a little crackie. Amy Winehouse won five Grammys! She wasn’t there. She couldn’t get a visa for her drugs. 


Roy Scheider: So long, old chum.
David Groh: Remember him? The husband from Rhoda? No?


The man known as the Hyde Park rapist has moved for the third time in three weeks — this time to a U.S. 1 apartment complex a mile and a half away from his old address. Convicted serial rapist Bobby Joe Helms had been living since Jan. 25 at the Hollandale Mobile Home Park in old Eau Gallie. State prison officials said he was scheduled to move Friday from the Pineapple Avenue residence he settled into two weeks ago to 3735 N. Harbor City Blvd. in Melbourne. Known as the "Hyde Park rapist," Helms served 13 years in prison after pleading guilty to raping 12 Tampa-area women and attempting to rape four others during three years in the 1980s. In 1999, Helms was released on probation and spent eight years in a secured state treatment center before his release on Jan. 17. Upon his release, Helms moved into a Melbourne apartment complex at 1734 Avocado Ave., two and a half miles from his new address. He left a week later amidst neighbor complaints, news media uproar and apparent conflict with his landlords.


Feb 14
The eve of the Roman feast of Lupercalia. Naked youths would run through Rome, anointed with the blood of sacrificed dogs and goats, waving thongs cut from the goats. If a young woman was struck by the thong, fertility was assured. Pope Gelasius I decided this was a bit too much, and co-opted the Roman holiday to be the Feast of St. Valentine in 484 A.D.
English explorer Captain JamesCook and some of his crew are slaughtered by angry Hawaiian islanders, after he tried to take a Hawaiian chief hostage over a dispute regarding a stolen boat.
The Capone gang kills six members of the "Bugs" Moran gang and one other person at the S.M.C. Cartage company in Chicago, in an event known as the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Bogus police officers were used so that it appeared to be a routine police bust. Except for all the bodies.
Walter Carlos, the musician who created "Switched on Bach" and the score of A Clockwork Orange, reveals to the world that he has had a sex change operation and is henceforth to be referred to as Wendy.
Ayatollah Khomeini issues a takfir against Salman Rushdie, for his writings in the Satanic Verses. The act propels the otherwise uninteresting book into a bestseller.


John Mayer: "Your Body is a Wonderland": "One mile to every inch of Your skin like porcelain One pair of candy lips and Your bubblegum tongue."
Oh Jesus Christ, John! You almost had it, too. The cliches sort of worked for a little while, but then you decide to venture out into the land of uncharted metaphors, and the best you can come up with is bubblegum tongue?
Emerson, Lake & Palmer: "Still ... You Turn Me On": "When you're buried in disguise By the dark glass on your eyes Though your flesh has crystallized; Still ... you turn me on.Every day a little sadder, A little madder, Someone get me a ladder."
I'm not sure if it's the talk of rage that grows inside him each day, or the necrophiliac imagery of crystallized flesh, but by the time he gets to that last line, I can't help but wonder if the ladder is for the girl he keeps in the hole in his basement.
The Faces: "Stay With Me": "Won't need too much pursuadin,' I don't mean to sound degradin,' But with a face like that you got nothin' to laugh about."
Rod Stewart making comments on someone else's looks? That's pretty rich, Roderick.
It's a good rule of thumb that anything you could possibly say to a woman following the phrase, "I don't mean to sound degradin,' but ... " is good for a trip directly to dry-penis-ville.
REO Speedwagon: "Keep OnLoving You": "You should've known by the tone of my voice, maybe But you didn't listen You played dead, but you never bled,
Instead you lay still in the grass, all coiled up and hissing" The chorus, with its promise to "keep on loving you," made this song a staple of those "As Seen on TV" love song compilation CDs. This verse however reads like bad poetry by a rageaholic husband from a Lifetime Channel movie. First he gets mad at her for not reading the tone of his voice correctly. Then the woman in question plays dead, presumably so he'll stop hitting her. But, as he points out, she wasn't bleeding. So, you know, he did her a favor. Then he calls her a snake, making this one of the most hate-fueled lyrical barrages this side of "Bulls on Parade." But it's not REO Speedwagon's fault. He puts up with so much. Besides, REO Speedwagon only does it because he loves us so much.
Prince: "Gett Off": "Remind me of something James used to say,
'I like 'em fat, I like 'em proud, Ya gotta have a mother for me,'
Now move your big ass 'round this way so I can work on that zipper, baby
Cus, tonight you're a star--and I'm the big dipper" This was bound to happen. Prince writes so many songs about sexing the ladies, that one of them was bound to cross a line into the land of ball-kneeing idiocy. This verse violates one of the oldest laws of seduction: never comment on a girl's weight. Oh, and never refer to yourself as the big dipper.


From the home office in Groveland, Florida here's this week's top ten list.
10. Let's Pork!
9. You're Probably The Best I Can Do At This Stage Of Life
8. Blowing Me For Jewelry Isn't THAT Much Like Prostitution?
7. There's No One I'd Rather Lie To About Our Future Together Than You
6. Hard As A Rock For You
5. Happy Valentine's Day, Blind Date. I Can't Wait To Show You My Hentai Tentacle Rape Porn Collection
4. This Valentine's Day Let's Not Fuck Other People For Once
2. You'd Be Perfect If You Lost 15 Pounds
And the number one honest Valentine's Day card
1. I Have The Junk To Your Vag, Valentine


A woman goes into a bar and orders a bottle of champagne. She takes the first glass and pours it down the back of her skirt. The bartender looks on in amazement as she pours another glass, and again tips it down the back of her skirt. His curiosity piqued, the bartender quickly inquires, “Lady, why are you pouring your drinks down your skirt?” To which the woman replies, “I’ve just won the lottery and this is the only asshole I’m sharing it with!”


This is from an article that was on the USAToday website: Sleeper download hits, or: Who knew Foghat's 'Slow Ride' sold 200k? Slow ride but a lucrative one: Foghat's Slow Ride is, as previewed in the headline, up to 203,000. Have you ever met one of those people?


Dave was a friend of mine and he never even knew it. He liked my music. He proved this over and over again by making records that reflected what I liked and what I was feeling. I could always catch up to where he was by listening to his latest releases (it was vinyl back then). Listening to his perspective always had a way of setting things right. I was always better off after hearing from him. Not too serious but always real. Listening to him I grew older and wiser and always appreciated his willingness to let his music kick me in the ass when needed. He was a fan of, as well as, an ambassador for the music that he loved and played. A musician's musician.The joy of being able to play the music he loved in front of fan's that "got" him was never lost on him. He gave it everything he had every night. It was his charge in life and he never shirked from it. No matter what he might have been feeling he never ever let on that he might be tired or weak or scared. Maybe he wasn't. I like to think that as fans we helped give him back what he wanted and needed in order to get up one more day and carry on with his mission to bring us real Rock 'n' Roll. Chest pounding rhythms, and lyrics that mean as much to me now as they did when I was in school and trying to find my way through adolescence and into adulthood. I miss my friend but am thankful for the magic of the music that he has left behind. Through his music I can still find my way. There are lots of musicians but very few that have touched my life like Dave has. - Mark S.


Just as Zack Snyder wraps production on Watchmen and gets ready to bring it all together into an alternate universe, superhero showcase, 20th Century Fox is getting litigious. The Hollywood Reporter has posted that the company is preparing to battle Warner Brothers "over the rights to develop, produce, and distribute" the film based on the uber popular graphic novel. On Friday, Fox sued, claiming it holds all the rights. They say that between '86 and '90 they "acquired all movie rights to the 12-issue DC Comics series and screenplays by Charles McKeown and Sam Hamm." In '91, there was a quitclaim to Largo Int., but Fox retained "exclusive rights to distribute the first motion picture." Then, Largo dismantled, and the rights went to producer Lawrence Gordon. "Under a 'turnaround agreement' between Fox and Gordon, the producer agreed to pay a buy-out price to Fox if he entered into any agreement with another studio or third party to develop or produce Watchmen, among other things." They say that neither Gordon nor Warners paid out. Got all that straight? In other words, Fox said they had the rights and that producer Lawrence Gordon and WB didn't honor it like they should have. I imagine WB will do what they can to wrap this up quickly, and not let it interfere with the March 6, 2009 release date. At least, I hope so. Otherwise, they might get some masked vigilantes on their tails.


As his afro-endowed character from the upcoming basketball comedy, Will Ferrell poses for several Sports Illustrated photos with a bikini-clad Heidi Klum. Too bad she couldn't have said "you're owuut" to him for blocking most of her hot body shots.
The Incredible Hulk
A toy advertisement gives us our first peek at the monstrous villain, the Abomination. I have a question, though. If Gamma radiation turns the Hulk green, what turned the Abomination brown? Irradiated poop?
Street Kings
For the first time since Speed, Keanu Reeves stars as a police officer — albeit a rogue one, as you can see in the trailer. So, you know how before he had to stop a speeding bus? Here, he's more apt to drive one over someone who gets in his way.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Our first look at Hugh Jackman back in his mutant persona is a picture of the actor posing with fans. I still find it ironic that a superhero with razors on the back of his hands can't trim his own sideburns.
G.I. Joe
English actor Christopher Eccleston is stepping in to play the Joe's arch nemesis, Destro, since Irish actor David Murray couldn't get a work visa for the States. Great. Another reason for Ireland to be mad at England.
Tunnel Rats
There's a gory and explosive trailer for Uwe Boll's latest, which oddly enough is his first American film that's not based on a video game. Well, don't worry. It'll still be just as sucky.
Tyrannosaurus Rex
On his MySpace blog, Rob Zombie announced that this would be the title for his next film, but that it will have absolutely nothing to do with dinosaurs. Personally, I'm hoping it'll be a biopic of '70s glam band T. Rex, because I can't get enough of dudes in spandex and sparkly makeup gettin' funky.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Before finally arriving in theaters on Valentine's Day, the trailer will debut that day on "Good Morning America". They'll be squeezing it in-between "breaking" news stories about how soda makes you fat and that hotel drinking glasses might have germs on them. (Yes, actual "news" stories this week.)
Star Trek
One day, Eric Bana says that his part as the Romulan Nero is just a "cameo," but the next he claims he just meant that his character isn't the focus of the film. Does this guy even know what movie he's working on? Yeesh, next thing you know he'll be telling us he doesn't know the difference between a tribble and a dilithium crystal.
The Spirit 2 & 3
Production company Lionsgatehas already signed writer/director Frank Miller to make two more sequels. Let's see, the first movie is about a mysterious guy who fakes his own death and deals out his own unique form of retribution. Is Lionsgate sure it wasn't just agreeing to make more Saw movies?

There you go, phans, a Valentine's Day Phile. I still want to hit 4000 views by Easter, and I think we have about 300 to go. If you noticed, I tried a new font in this week's entry. I think I like it better, but probably forget by next week and go back to the regular font. Until next week, spread the word, not the turd. Peace.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm A Fool For The City

Hello, and welcome to another entry of the Peverett Phile, the web's most updated blog. Today is a sad day for the Peverett family, and many of you out there as today marks the 8 year anniversary of my dad's death, the late great Lonesome Dave Peverett. Well, it was Super Tuesday on Tuesday (which makes sense as it would be stupid to have Super Tuesday on like a Friday) It was a tough night for Hillary. She has been accused of frequently switching he positions. To which Bill Clinton said, “I wish.” In a recent speech, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said that if Republicans want to win, they have to be more like him. I think it’s working — today Mitt Romney gave a speech with a dozen walnuts in his mouth. This pisses me off, John McCain has been taking his 95-year-old mother along with him in his campaign bus. He is old and his damned mother is still living. None of the other candidates are traveling with their mothers, but Bill Clinton is traveling with several MILFs. Contrary to what the news says, Miami Heat center Shaquille O’Neil hasn’t been traded to the Phoenix Suns. He’s actually been traded to the sun. In exchange, the earth will receive two moons and a dwarf star to be named later. Britney Spears was released from the hospital psychiatric ward. Authorities are warning all citizens in Los Angeles to remain in their homes. Also on Tuesday it was Mardi Gras, and almost every other Guest at Disney wore from Louisiana. I don't know why they bother 
having the parade in New Orleans, everyone comes down here. I got tired of seeing so 
many people wearing purple, green and yellow, and their stupid hats and masks. And 
why do they insist on keep trying to give me those beads? I do not want to wear any 
plastic beads!  For those of you that don't know, Mardi Gras means no restrictions. Fat Tuesday is the one day of the year you can eat whatever you want, drink whatever you want, shag whomever you want. Basically for a night, you’re a member of Guns & Roses. How about that Mitt Romney dropping out? He looks like the guy that would approve your check at a supermarket. He looks like the piano player in an upscale department store. He looks like a guy who winks when he shakes your hand.
He looks like the guy who is married to an over-the-hill actress. So, last Sunday my New York Giants won the Super Bowl! At the end of the game I was hyper-ventiating. I rushed upstairs to the computer and ordered the championship package of t-shirt, cap and DVD. Eli is the Manning. What a bunch of losers the Patriots are. What a bunch of losers. Bunchen won't run naked, Tom Brady and Randy Moss won't be at the Pro Bowl, Belichick is actually thinking of using his Unabomber disguise to bomb the front offices of the opposing teams next year. How the mighty have fallen. They should have taken the L during week 1 instead of saving it for the Super Bowl. Oh, to all you Chinese who read this: Happy Chinese (lunar) New Year! Who's winning Chinese Rose Bowl; Shanghai State or Guangzhao Tech? Gosh, I'm still writing checks "Year of the Boar".


From the home office in Groveland, Florida, is is tonight's top ten list.
Top Ten Signs Rambo Is Too Old
10. Secret mission: to bring back cheap prescription drugs from Canada
9. Used to break necks -- now he just breaks wind
8. Removes dentures when things look like they might get rough
7. Instead of dog tags now wears Life-Alert around his neck
6. The "old guy smell" is now considered one of his weapons
5. Now only sets booby-traps to keep kids off his lawn
4. Instead of killing people, lectures them on the dangers of running with scissors
3. Lately he's been shooting blanks -- if you know what I mean
2. Newest enemy? An enlarged prostate
And the number one sgin that Rambo is getting too old 
1. Would rather be gardening


New Madrid earthquake shakes Missouri with an estimated magnitude of 8.2, as strong as any in the West. The quake destroys 150,000 acres of forest, and would have caused massive damage had it occurred in modern times.
A drunken visitor to the British Museum smashes the irreplaceable Portland Vase into over 200 pieces. The elaborate glass amphora was created when Augustus was Caesar and is about ten inches high. It takes months to repair.
"It became necessary to destroy the town to save it." -- U.S. Army Major, regarding the village of Ben Tre, Vietnam, in an AP dispatch.
Beatle George Harrisonhas his tonsils removed. He had them destroyed to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.
Washed up tennis player Bjorn Borg has his stomach pumped after he overdoses on sleeping pills in Madrid, Spain.
Mortar rounds are fired by the IRA at No. 10 Downing Street, the residence of British Prime Minister John Major. No injuries resulted but the door was severely dented.

Lonesome Dave Peverett, lead singer of the band Foghat, dies from complication of cancer.


Earl Butz: All he was looking for in life was a cushy Cabinet post, a repugnant sense of humor, and a warm mouth to put his foot into.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: He was smarter than the average con man.


Five young men are dead after apparently speeding on an airplane runway at the exclusive “fly-in” community of Jumbolair Aviation Estates, now most famously the home of John Travolta, officials said. The crash happened this morning at about 3:45 a.m. According to a preliminary Florida Highway Patrol investigation, a 2008 gray BMW with 5 occupants, ages 18 to 20, was traveling at a high rate of speed on the airstrip. As it neared the end of the runway, the car traveled off the end of an 85-foot high embankment, became airborne for 200 feet and struck a large tree. At impact, the vehicle split in half and the car’s engine separated from the vehicle, scattering pieces of the car over about a 200 square foot area. Three of the five occupants were ejected from the vehicle and all were pronounced dead at the scene, according to Florida Highway Patorl spokesman Lt. Mike Burroughs said. “It’s too early in the investigation to determine a speed and also to determine whether seat belts were in use at the time of the crash,” Burroughs said. Two of the five men were from Ocala, two were from Fairfield and one was from Anthony, but it was not clear if any of the men lived within the gated community. Officials were in the process of notifying next of kin. Investigators did not know at this time whether the vehicle was speeding or racing another car. Only in Florida do they think cars can fly.


On our Foghat Myspace page at we asked people to send in tributes to dad. So, starting this entry, on the anniversary of his death, I will post some tributes here.
Listening to Foghat brings back some of my fondest childhood memories. Whenever I reminisce about the seventies, it's always summertime, my babysitter is dolling herself up for a rock concert and Foghat is most certainly part of my mental soundtrack. I regret never having been able to attend a Foghat concert in their hey-day, but I can't be entirely to blame, seeing that my "Driving Wheel" at the time was still a Big Wheel! I do recall peeking through the crack of my bedroom doorway while my parents spun LPs during numerous house parties and rocking along to "Stone Blue" and "Fool For The City" in the back seat of my mom's gold metallic Vega. By the time I was old enough to venture off on my own, times had changed and so had the music, and in my opinion, not for the better. I currently find myself spending most of my Sunday afternoons in a used record store called Discovery flipping through albums and digging into piles of eight-track tapes, and yes, I still have the same eight-track tape deck my parents gave me on my seventh birthday! Now writing songs and fronting my own band, I draw major influence from a long list of seventies rockers, and Lonesome Dave Peverett is way up on that list. His songs, his style, his showmanship, and most of all his amazing voice are all things that I strive to achieve for myself. I even borrowed the title "Lonesome" when I first took the stage as a front man. Though as hard as I try, I may never reach his capabilities but I'm ok with that because he set a bar so high that not many can or ever will. When I listen to the record Foghat LIVE it literally sends chills up my spine when Dave introduces "Slow Ride". The power and conviction in his vocals are so raw, so pure, that you can hear his soul reaching out to you, giving you all the security one would ever need to stand up, let loose and join in on the festivities of the rock 'n roll party! The most unique thing that I've noticed about Foghat is that even though they're British musicians, they pretty much epitomized what a great American rock band should sound like. God bless Lonesome Dave, he taught us all how to get up and boogie, and as long as we continue to do so, his spirit will live on forever. I'msure I'm not alone when I say that the rock world misses him deeply. -Sammy Miami


In the No Duh News category, Sci Fi Channel has reported that they've acquired the fourth series (or season) of "Doctor Who" for air beginning in April. What's great additional news is that they've also picked up "The Sarah Jane Adventures" as well. The latter series focuses on Elisabeth Sladen's Sarah Jane, one of the most popular and famous "companions" in Who History, as she battles to keep Britain and the world save from alien encounters and invasions. Sarah Jane is aided by a small group of children in her quest. The good Doctor, still played by David Tennant for now, is joined this season by Donna Noble (Catherine Tate reprising her role from "The Runaway Bride" Christmas Special). I have to say, this casting I find odd as Noble was a bitch and from what I've seen in promos for future installments, continues to be a bitch. In fact, the character had no redeemable or like-able qualities. Maybe, after losing both Rose (Billie Piper) and Martha (Freema Agyeman) whom he actually liked, the Doctor is feeling a bit masochistic. Thank god Martha is coming back mid-season (and rumors have it Rose may be back too in some capacity). And in the meantime, Martha will be making a limited run appearance on the second season of "Torchwood" currently airing stateside on BBC America. If you're a fan of Who and you're not watching "Torchwood" then now may be the time to start. You've already seen "Torchwood's" fearless, immortal leader Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) on various Who episodes, so you're practically family!


When Venom was finally revealed back in 2006, there were some apprehensions, but for the most part, anticipation was huge for the third Spider-Man movie. Then it came out, and even the die-hard fans seemed to be at least somewhat disappointed. What really sucks in these situations is when over-all disappointment tarnishes good bits. I imagine that Marvel is thinking the same thing. According to IESB, Eddie Brock and Venom are going to get their own film. The site says that since the rights to Venom have reverted back to Marvel (New Line had 'em), they are meeting up with a number of "A-list writers" to work on a spin-off film. (They're not sure on how Sony fits into all of this.) IESB says: "We have to assume that since there is movement, and there has been recent meetings with writers, this property must belong to Marvel since they have made an interim agreement with the WGA." It's not every day that we get the possibility of an evil spin-off. This could be cool, although a bit tricky with the whole Spider-Man part of it (even without the webbed hero as a star, the symbiote grabbed Parker first). But that's just me... What do you think?


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
A picture has leaked out of the actual crystal skull, and it does look strangely extraterrestrial. But does Indy really have to travel all over the world to find this plastic-y looking thing? He could probably just get one out of a Cracker Jack box.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
It seems the main feature of the new, extra dirty red-band trailer for this Judd Apatow-produced comedy is Jason Segel's bare butt. Looks like Will Ferrell is gonna have some serious competition in the "getting naked for a laugh" department.
The Happening
In the first trailer for M. Night Shyamalan's latest horror flick, an epidemic of suicides has Mark Wahlberg leaving NYC for the countryside. Smart move. There's a lot less ways for him to try to kill himself out there. What's he gonna do? Smother himself with cow manure?
Iron Man
It seems that most people who watched the cool trailer that ran during the Super Bowl were turned on by Robert Downey Jr. pulling on his iron pants. Frankly, I was more turned on by the snippet of Gwyneth Paltrow not wearing any.
Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden?
In the trailer, director Morgan Spurlock has such a tough time locating the terrorist mastermind, he can't even get the guy's uncle to give him up for the $25 mil bounty. Yikes, $25 mil! I've got any number of family members I'd give up for half that.
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Michael Bay's Platinum Dunes is going to remake the horror classic, although original Freddy Robert Englund says he probably won't be asked to return since he's too old. Maybe Johnny Depp could whip out his old Edward Scissorhands outfit.
Michael Caine plots to steal a fortune in diamonds in the trailer with the help of his accomplice Demi Moore, who sports one of the worst phony English accents I've ever heard. She should have asked Madonna for some tips.
The Wolf Man
The bloggers screamed bloody murder when it was rumored that Brett Ratner was the top choice as director, so Universal went and hired Jurassic Park III's Joe Johnston instead. How come the web can keep Ratner from working, but Uwe Boll never seems to have any problem?
Final Destination 4
The film's opening near-death experience will take place at a race track with vehicles crashing into the spectator stands. That sounds scary but not nearly as intense as my own near-death experience riding the bumper cars as a kid.
A biopic of Jim Henson is in the works. The twist is that all the humans are going to be played by Muppets, while all the Muppets will be real animals that will put their paws up the people's backsides just to see how they like it.

There you go, another entry of the Phile. Not much is happening this weekend, but next week is my nephew Randy's wedding, and in a few weeks is Megacon. Check out the Phile's Myspace page ( as I posted some new pics and the site. Also, I still want to hit 4000 views by Easter. We have over 3700 now, but we have a lot more to go. Spread the word, not the turd.